Friday, December 18, 2009

How do i put out an oil fire on my stove?I had a pan catch on fire today when the oil started boiling?

How do i put this type of fire out?How do i put out an oil fire on my stove?I had a pan catch on fire today when the oil started boiling?
you must act fast. Flour is the quickest and most readily available resource. Salt is another option. Immediately smother the fire with either one of these and the fire can be contained and controlled.How do i put out an oil fire on my stove?I had a pan catch on fire today when the oil started boiling?
Flour to extinguish an oil fire? I'd never heard that before. Pretty cool. Report Abuse

I heard that baking soda would do the trick, or a regular fire extinguisher, or a damp towel would all work. I would use a combination of baking soda and damp towel, and if I couldn't get it out quickly, use the extinguisher.
damp a towel or tea towel and smother the pan with it
baking soda, or water, it only spreads a grese fire
Throw on Baking soda. It smothers it. Never water! Water splatters it and it spreds!

Or cover with a lid or cookie sheet and smother it.

Fire needs: fuel, air, and heat. Eliminate one, no fire.
fire extinguisher is smart to have but makes a mess. but milk works and baking soda if it is a small fire
Two ways: but for both of them, turn off the heat first.

1) Smother it by putting the lid over the pan.

2) Extinguish it using baking soda.

Never, under any circumstances, try to put it out with water -- that will only cause the flaming oil to splash around, igniting new fires.
Cover the pan with a good fitting lid, and turn off the stove. Wait until the pan cools off. Any other method can cause the oil to splatter, and spread the fire.
A fire extinguisher works best (every home is supposed to have one for insurance purposes), but baking soda will work in a pinch. Whatever you do, DO NOT put water on it - that only makes it spread.

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