Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Liberals, how would YOU fix our oil issues TODAY?

We don't have a replacement ready to take it's place TODAY. So what are your ideas with that in mind.Liberals, how would YOU fix our oil issues TODAY?
Lower the speed limit to 55.

Crack down on energy speculators and close the Enron Loophole.

Invest heavily into building more nuclear reactors (yes they are far safer and more energy efficient than their predecessors were back in the late 70's).Liberals, how would YOU fix our oil issues TODAY?
The issue is any alternative will also take time to perfect. Jackpi's answer does not say who pays for all of the cost to develop fueling stations, what do we do with the cars we have now, how much of a strain on the environment will it be to replace all cars with electric cars and what have you. Has anyone thought ahead about what kind of damage the spent batteries will have on our environment?

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Drill now and spend time researching and developing GOOD alternatives. Alternatives that have been well thought out and not just ideas that sound good politically or can be used to promote a political agenda.
Walk. Ride a bike. Live closer to work. Invest in alternate forms of transportation. I mean we made the transition from horse to automobile, innovation will help us do it again.

But by addressing your question to ';liberals'; you limit your receptivity already. If Einstein was a ';liberal' then you would qualify his viewpoint? Take the blinders off, dude. The GOP has your mind, they really think you are stupid because you can be so easily led to your own destruction. GOP deals with big money corporations, that know and get what they pay for. At least the Dems have to pretend to be for the people Republicans don't even have to pretend. Who do you think is making all these oil deals? Who do you think has the US trapped in combustible engine auto's

and dominated energy from its inception. GOP like minded people my friend. None of the ';conservatives'; that you root for, care what happens to you. They don't care how you handle gas prices. Their solution...make more money.
Great question, and you will get few if any answers from the leftist.

They all sit around and whine about how we need alternative fuels, but not a one can tell you how we get that.

I love listening to them talk about solar, wind and water power. But, not a one can seem to show me how to run a city or a car for that matter on solar, wind and water.

We need new nuke plants.

We need more refineries.

We need to drill in the Gulf and ANWR.

We need less feel good political policy.

If the likes of Obama get into office, his plan is to raise taxes on the working class to give to the lazy. That's his plan for high fuel prices. He will turn the middle class into the working poor!
Change to totally electric vehicles powered by Solar, Wind, Water, and Gravity! Require all truck stops to convert to electric recharge stations immediately! Use the Geo thermal heat, tidal forces, and wave currents to provide power generation! This should be done by the Feds, not the private sector! They haven't solved the nuclear waste problem as of yet! It stays hot for 10K years! And nuclear plants produce thermal pollution in rivers and lakes where they dump their heated waste water! Nuclear plants are definitely NOT the answer!
fix this:鈥?/a>

problem solved, until Next Generaion nucear plants are ready to be built to supply our power and fuel.
Regulate the speculators and the oil companies immediately and devote real money to alternative energy research.

It has been estimated that regulation of the commodites market could result in a 25 to 50 percent drop in the price of oil.
If anyone has ever played Utopia or Civilization or a game like that then they would know that you have to build things like refineries and power plants to support your population or you LOSE!

It is only common sense.
It can't be fixed today. It's Sunday. Nothing gets done on Sunday.
They do not have any ideas they just don't want to drill, for some reason they think they can burn Caribou steaks in their gas tank.!~!
Get rid of that Enron Loophole to wheel in the speculation.
Like No Way! Like OMG I'm going to complain about Liberals!
No one can fix oil issues today. We should consider several factors when discussing oil.

1. We are dealing with a finite resource that is near exhaustion. We can find and exploit some limited new oil discoveries, but these would only delay the inevitable by a fairly short time. Experts have stated that Anwar and the Dakotas will not significantly change our situation.

2. Oil (as well as other fossil fuels) is creating an environmental nightmare for us with Climate Change. For this reason, it is advisable for us to find alternatives as quickly as possible.

3. Frankly, I think the increase in the cost of oil is (although painful) a good thing. Price will impact behavior and cause us to conserve fuel.

4. We need alternatives. I believe that Nuclear is one very good alternative that should be exploited much more. We can also explore other alternatives like wind and solar. I think we should also aggressively pursue development of fuel alternatives as a national priority like the Apollo program.

I believe that we will experience pain no matter what we do. Temporary solutions that don't really solve the problem will only delay the inevitable and make the final day of reckoning that much more painful. We have to confront the problem now.

By the way, most on this board are probably too young to recall, but our nation has been in this position before...there was an energy crisis about 40 years ago. We didn't act then to solve the problem so being in the same position today is a result of our inaction. Alaska didn't provide a permanent solution then, and it won't solve the problem now.

I've read that cars are the major polluter and consumer of oil. All electric cars are about 2 years out (both Honda %26amp; GM). My car has 172,000 miles and I'm timing a new car for about 3 to 4 years. As an aside, I think the average life span of cars is about 6 years or so. With this in mind, once an economical reliable alternative presents itself, I think that normal obsolescence will phase out the old vehicles.

How are Detroit engines today are the good or bad like the old wons oil burners?

The more modern engines coming out of Detroit are world class (Ecotecs for example) although there are still some old pushrods out there.

With companies offering 100,000 mile powertrain warranties and tighter pollution standards, however, you won't find very many oil burners anymore.
  • blush eyeshadow
  • Anyone heard today that the Airlines are all but going bankrupt? And the Dems do not support drilling for oil?

    We are only about 20 years behind!

    We have to drill..... lets find petitions and overturn any opposition,! !Anyone heard today that the Airlines are all but going bankrupt? And the Dems do not support drilling for oil?
    The Dems are a disaster. Wait and see they will come around and say that drilling is OK. Bush changed his point of view and so did McCain. If we don't start now we will be under the thumb of Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries with oil for many years. It will break our back and this is what the Muslims want. We must become oil independent.

    we must start drilling now and the heck with Congress' meetings and votes and locked up rooms where all they do is smoke and drink. If Congress doesn't Move on this one there will be a revolt in America and the Arabs will love it.Anyone heard today that the Airlines are all but going bankrupt? And the Dems do not support drilling for oil?
    You're a dumb ***** Report Abuse

    John McCain would probably be for drilling, but he is anti free market, just like the rest of them. Also, he just hopped on the ';Green'; bandwagon in a feeble attempt to get votes.

    I think the market should be allowed to function without intervention from the government. If companies want to drill we shouldn't disallow it, unless it's invanding someone else's property. Pollution could be considered a property rights violation, so allow the market to develop cleaner energy. The problem is government intervnetion. Big government gives subsidies to corporations that pollute and pollute. The federal government pollutes the Earth drastically. Don't infringe upon the market and tell it what to do, as this only worsens a problem.
    What does the failure of the airline executives have to do with the Democrats? Whatever happened to accountability in this country? No wonder things are so bad in this country. Upper level managers are playing the blame game. Thinking that more drilling for oil will solve our problems is about fifty years behind. If the oil companies want to drill they can invest in the leases they already have. They are only 40% developed right now. They don't need any more handouts. We are about twenty years behind in developing alternatives and conserving our use of dwindling and foreign oil supplies.
    The U.S. Energy Information Administration states that it will take over 20 years for offshore drilling to have an effect on gas prices. The amount of oil we would receive from offshore drilling is 3% tops. So it will not take away our dependence from foreign oil, and the very earliest off shore drilling MIGHT have an effect is 2030. Airlines, truckers, and everyday drivers will see no relief at the pumps anytime soon. And even that ';relief'; in 2030 isn't guaranteed.

    The only thing it will do is increase the likelihood of oil spills and depress Florida's tourism industry.
    For the sake of debating, let us say Congress allows drilling. Do you realize that this would do absolutely nothing to relieve the pressure at the pump for at least three years. We are not the only nation that uses oil rigs. Do you know that they take a long time to construct, then ship out to the location, then set up. How is this going to solve the ridiculous oil prices, and the outrageous rate at which gas prices keep climbing. $4.59 for the CHEAP gas over here in San Jose.

    We need to focus on new forms of energy, period. Have we become a nation of brain dead citizens? With all of what is going on with the economy, the war in Iraq, gas and oil prices, we still don't see that it is time to stop relying on oil to the level that we do? Unfortunately, this nation is reactive, not proactive in its approach to meeting the needs of future Americans.

    WAKE UP!

    I am concerned about the airlines though. My biggest concern is that the greed of the big wigs will start to cut into proper maintenance, etc, that ensure the safety of the plane.

    When it comes to money, I don't put one ounce of trust in any human. Greed is powerful.
    The whole thing about energy is STUPID and based solely on voting base.

    Here is what needs to be done. Release the federal ban on off shore drilling and Slant drill (like Kuwait did to Iraq) to get to the deposit under ANWR. All oil production MUST be maintained in the USA. This means having more refineries as well. Even Obama has stated this will fruit in about 5 years

    This solution will work for about 20 years.....which is just enough time necessary to switch infrastructure around to obtain energy independance from black gold.

    Right now we got too many options and not enough money to provide all of them the infrastructure needed.

    Hybrids? Waste of money since they only limit the amount of oil needed.

    Ethanol? Burns too quick and we just don't have enough crop land to support US driving habits.

    Hydrogen? Maybe feasible but as of right now, too expensive creating hydrogen.

    Electric? Feasible now. Auto makers are improving them in horsepower and longer battery life. Can be fueled with any type of alternative energy source like solar wind or nuclear.

    Now as far as powergrid alternatives, we can do them all. Nuclear has made HUGE advancements since the late 70's. It's time to stop living in the past and revisit this energy source.

    Solar....I'm not a big fan of solar simple because it takes too much area currently. I think it's a perfect addition and uses deadspace like roof tops but not effective and certainly not worth the pricetag of initial installation.

    Wind...That will be a good one and you can utilize the deadspace inbetweens of the interstate system to put them in and not need much land.

    Geothermal...DO NOT USE! Are you freaking insane! Tapping the Earth's inner core heat?! Do you know what happens if it cools? Look at Mars!

    Water kinetics....Since most cities are near rivers or oceans....tap it.
    Why do you assume that drilling for oil will bring the price to the consumer down? It most assuredly will not. No, today's conditions demand a new way of looking at things. Perhaps the era of jet travel is coming to a close. BTW, you are of course aware that the airlines consume more fuel than all of the vehicles on our nation's highways combined, right? So surely you must know that our military consumes more than all of the domestic airline operations in the U. S. Who is using too much? Where is the demand?
    LOL @ the answer saying it doesn't hurt anything. I am sure the Exxon Valdez incident was just so environmentally amazing, that it will appear on National Geographic. You are right that we are behind though. We should have started researching alternate renewable fuel sources a long time ago, but no one wanted that either. I am not sure about you, but I would love to stick it to OPEC. Enough is enough with those bastards.
    The problem is drilling for oil won't lower the price of gas. It will take at least 5-10 year and the Chineese are adding more cars to the roads everyday. We need to use alternative fuels. They already have them. The Oil companies just don't want to lose thier hold. That's why we need to get the special interest groups out of Washington they are controlling the American people with rumors and sound bites. Let's focus on the issues.We had this problem for decades, we just keep kicking the can down the road.
    The airlines are smarter than Bush supporters:

    American Airlines praised Congress for focusing on oil-market speculation and the need to lower skyrocketing oil prices, which are having an adverse impact on the airline industry.

    The commercial airline applauded Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who chaired a hearing to examine oil market speculation.

    The hearing, held jointly by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, probed the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's role in regulating the market.

    The senators also introduced the Transparency and Accountability in Oil Markets Act (S. 3130), which would provide resources to the Commodities Future Trading Commission to oversee oil futures trading.

    Durbin's legislation would aid transparency by requiring all U.S. traders on oil futures markets to report transactions in a detailed manner to the CFTC. The bill also directs the CFTC to investigate the impact of these trades on the price of oil.

    Fort Worth-based American Airlines, a subsidiary of AMR Corp. (NYSE: AMR), is the world's largest airline.

    Pffffft hysterics. Remember the gas crisis of the 70's? There wasn't even gas available to pay 4 bucks a gallon for. Same thing happened back then when there were all the ';experts'; who said we would be out of oil by 2000. Well guess what.... we still have oil. Oil production will peak in 40-50 years. It will peak. That means we haven't peaked yet. Get it?

    Besides we can't pump enough oil to offset the cost that dramatically anyway. It's not as simple as traditional supply and demand models suggest. A single barrel of crude has seven different prices. The ones we hear about is not what the oil companies pay for it. They pump it out... so the higher the price goes, the more they pay themselves, hence the record profits.
    You guys are morons. Look it up, they drill quite a bit in the Gulf. They drill like crazy in Alaska. If they opened up the refuge and jammed every rig possible into the Gulf, it would bring down the price of gas by a few cents a gallon. And at what cost? Massive environmental risk from hurricanes comes to mind.
    And McCain said today he wants 45 new nuclear reactors. So you think that is the answer. Just think for a minute all the snags and glitches and mistakes that the government has made just trying to get out those economic stimulus checks. Now think these people want 45 nuclear reactors.......ummm Maybe our parents were right when they gave us a goldfish first and if we could prove we were responsible with the goldfish we might get a puppy....
    Every country in the world that has oil in the ground is drilling but us. Why don't the libs scream at those countries for ruining the environment? Because it isn't about the oil, it's about telling people what they can and cannot have. It is called control.
    Not only the Airlines, but the truckers, OMG, they are really hurting. They cannot afford to pay those outrageous diesel prices. Its like they have no voice.

    We have to drill now....We cannot wait even one more year.
    We must drill off's not hurting anyone - it's 60 miles off the coast. And ten years to realize the oil is not that long. I agree with you,
    You've changed my perception of blondes.
    Wao I admir your courage and spirt!

    I've noticed that my car is losing oil pretty quickly. Today I noticed a small amount of oil under the hood.?

    There are tiny droplets of oil if you look closely under the hood. What could be the problem?I've noticed that my car is losing oil pretty quickly. Today I noticed a small amount of oil under the hood.?

    sounds like the rings are shot or the PCV is not working if your getting that much oil under the hood. Is there a lot of bluish smoke coming out the exhaust? if so then the rings are shot..

    We could use a little more information .. like miles size motor and car. and any other details.

    good luck

    timI've noticed that my car is losing oil pretty quickly. Today I noticed a small amount of oil under the hood.?
    you have to get under it and see where it is leaking. then fix.

    I picked up a new car for my wife today and noticed it has a oil leak?

    the garage is going to have a look at it on monday should i worry or is it normally a simple fix?I picked up a new car for my wife today and noticed it has a oil leak?
    I've never heard of an oil leak on a brand new car. What is the make and model? If it was a used car, they usually change the oil before they sell it. Could be a major problem or perhaps the oil filter isn't tightened properly.I picked up a new car for my wife today and noticed it has a oil leak?
    Find out the cause before freaking out. It could be as simple as a loose oil filter or drain plug. Good thing you covet it right away though. Also give the place a chance to fix it before making a fuss. I know it's annoying but it happens so if they are willing to make it good, give them that much.
    If you want to drive it for the weekend keep an eye on the oil level, and oil pressure. If it's a used car and it's not a HUGE amount of oil then it may or may not be a real problem depending on where it's leaking from.
    It depends on where the oil is leaking from as to how difficult it is to fix. If you are driving it over the week end I advise that you keep a close eye on the oil level just in case.
    If this is a brand new car it is most likely that something like an oil drain plug or oil filter has not been tightened properly. I would not worry unless your garage thinks that the car has been running with low oil for some time.
    Your first mistake was to buy your wife a new car.
    A new car...or new to the question you need to answer for us.

    >>>How long ago did the oil that's being used today form<<<?

    Basically anywhere from 10 to 150 million years ago. The North Sea for instance has oil that was formed by the compression of vegetable and animal matter that settled and then has had sediment layered on top causing a downward pressure. The oil in the North sea is approximately 30-60 million years old or about the end of the Jurassic period.

    Why does Obama Think if America Finds Oil Today, that's Bad but if Saudi Arabia Finds Oil, it's Good & ?

    ..... America is better off buying oil from Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela?

    Doesn't Obama realize how many Americans can be helped with the tremendous royalties and corporate taxes that are paid by oil companies? Couldn't that money be used to provide education, healthcare, highways, heating assistance, and property tax relief?Why does Obama Think if America Finds Oil Today, that's Bad but if Saudi Arabia Finds Oil, it's Good %26amp; ?
    He's a DEMOCRAT they don't know how to create wealth, they only know how to steal it from the people that have it.Why does Obama Think if America Finds Oil Today, that's Bad but if Saudi Arabia Finds Oil, it's Good %26amp; ?
    First off oil is a world market, if we produce oil it all goes into the same bucket as every other country. Second, we could not even come close to getting all the oil we need by drilling in the US. Third oil is not sustainable, eventually it will run out and become more expensive. More jobs will be created by going green and they will be created in the US. Obama has a plan for a LONG term solution.
    Its the same logic that says, ';let the Chinese use coal, but we won't do it here';.

    Why Obama, Biden, and other democrats think its ok for other nations to ';destroy'; their piece of earth, while we can't touch our piece...

    They are perfectly willing to continue to pump billions into foreign economies and take their oil and other products, but not on our land, for our workers?

    Its a joke...and seemingly...half of us are falling for the gag....
    Obama wants the US to progress beyond fossil fuels and into something renewable. Also, drilling for oil has a lot of attendant environmental impacts, not to mention any oil we begin drilling for today will take YEARS to reach our markets.
    I'm not sure as to what your asking.

    I don't think Obama said that.

    We know where the oil is in the U.S.

    It's called our reserves. We are suppose to reserve it.

    The less we refine oil in the U.S. the less polution we make here.

    I think you need to read facts.
    America is better off using its own oil. If I were president I could not wait till the the day was announced that we imported no oil. I would then gather as many Americans as possible flipping the bird and send that pic to Opec.
    That is a very good question and I do not have an answer for you. But, I have a question to ask too:

    Why does Obama think it is ok to bankrupt the entire coal industry and raise prices on electricity?
    Obama wants us not to have ANY oil period. Problem is his plan would prematurely try to eliminate the old sources before we have new ones planted.

    We shouldn't be on oil or any other fossil fuels PERIOD.

    We should have had alternative fuel technology 25 years ago.
    He supports offshore drilling. Stop listening to entertainment radio and thinking it is news.
    He doesnt care. He is going to try and turn the USA over to the UN which in turn will turn the USA over to the middle east
    Notice, too, that oil prices are up today, since he's about to win. They know we won't be getting our own oil.
    Obama is an anti-American Marxist who thinks we should not be better than any other country.
    What part of he hates America do people not understand?
    because hes an idiot
    not dealing with a full deck are we?

    If usa,were to start drill for today?would that new oil help us now or with one year? and keep the price down?

    Or will the drilling just make thing cost more anyway?If usa,were to start drill for today?would that new oil help us now or with one year? and keep the price down?
    Not sure when we would see that oil, but definitely price would go down for a while.If usa,were to start drill for today?would that new oil help us now or with one year? and keep the price down?
    I agree with Fox and Filthy. The giant price spike was not caused by a supply problem. Extra supply does lower the price a bit... maybe enough to buy an extra candy bar at the station. It is inconceivable to me that futures traders are going to make significant lasting changes in the price of oil based on the fact that we *might* drill and *might* have extra supply in a decade. This is ridiculous, considering that these guys find an excuse to raise the price every time the slightest little thing happens to scare them. And as Fox said, even if we have greater supply due to domestic drilling, they will easily find another reason to keep the price up. I have no idea why people are so excited about domestic drilling. Especially since we should be focused on all owning a volt in 10 years anyways. Hopefully by then I won't care very much about the price of oil. Domestic drilling gets people excited for two reasons- it makes some rich people another chunk of cheap change. And it gives republicans a way to blame democrats.

    Add- the price always goes down at the end of summer. but limbaugh and his clones try their best to give credit to the republicans.
    it will help NOW!

    Oil is being traded on the futures market, which goes up in estimation of how much oil will be available in the future. hence why when a scare of a pipe closing in the ME happens it immidately jumps up.

    If you drill here and now, your showing the rest of the world, there will be a WHOLE lot more oil comming onto the market in the future, and thus the price of oil will have no choice but to drop.

    Simple supply and demand. economics 101

    Why cant washington seem to get that?

    If you listen to some of these obot genisuses that know nothing, there afraid thinking it wont even be available for 10 years, when in the meantime, obamas plan does NOTHING but MIGHT be available in 10 years, no guarentee. but hey! keep inflating your tires!

    10 years ago Clinton Vetoed drilling ANWR. Now wher eare we? 70% dependant on foreign oil.
    The gas prices are up because speculators are speculating more of a need for oil. So, when they do that, this raises gas prices. If we start drilling today, the speculators shouldn't put the price as high, and this should lower our prices.

    Another thing I saw that is haing prices up, other countries in the world are driving more, so they have a demand for more oil, so this is causing the prices to go up too.

    Will we get back to lower than $3 a gallon, sure, we could even get down to $2.50 a gallon, but the speculators need to quit guessing, and go with what is fact, not what they think its going to be.
    There are currently tens of thousands of acres of oil fields in the US that are leased to oil companies where they are not currently drilling.

    Allowing offshore drilling to start today would take at least 10 years for any gasoline produced therefrom to reach the consumer, and, at best, could lower gasoline prices by 5垄 per gallon. In about 2018.
    No - the republicans are just using it as their present Big Whine!

    It will be 2030 before any oil drilled right now will reach the market. FOX ';News'; lied that down to a few months at one point. But 2030 is even the White House figures on when that new oil would reach the market.

    So - no - dilling won't keep the price down - but it will increase the profits of Big Oil real good - and that's why the republicans are pushing it. They are the handmaidens of Big Oil - each and every day - with every lie they tell.
    I've heard estimates from both sides and people who seem to be neutral on the issue, and the consensus seems to be that it will NOT help now. How long it will take to see that oil if we started drilling tomorrow seems to be up for debate, but I haven't heard anyone say anything under 10 years, but mostly I've heard 20 years. Then it's a matter of how much we keep versus sell in the international market.

    People who are for drilling and against or resistant to alternatives say that alternatives will take years as well. They are right, but since people have been asking for alternatives since the '70s, and I've heard mostly that alternatives will take 20 - 30 years, I have to think that if they'd started seriously looking for alternatives 30 years ago, we wouldn't be in quite the mess we are now. I mean, let's say it takes 20 years for the oil (a finite and polluting resource), and it takes 20 years for a resource that is infinite and pollutes less, isn't it logical to opt for the alternative? Neither solves the NOW problem, but if we can solve the future problem, why not get to work on that while figuring out the ';now'; problem so we don't have another ';now'; problem in another 30 years?
    Americans have driven over 12 billion miles LESS this past year alone compared to our average every year. If we're driving that much less, doesn't that show you that the amount of oil they have and the amount we use are unrelated when it comes to pricing. The more oil they have to sell, the more of it they will sell at $4 and up per gallon. It doesn't matter where they drill, how much they drill, or what they find; You and I are going to pay dearly for it.
    If Congress got of it's collective butt and removed restrictions on drilling *AND* production, the world price per barrel (and domestic price per gal) would most likely drop relatively quickly even though actual production would be a couple of years away... because of the perceived future increase in world wide supplies of oil

    But even *IF* the price of a gal of gas didn't drop very much the US would be *MUCH* better off because we wouldn't be sending hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign countries (many of whom hate our guts) thus reducing our balance of trade defect and possibly even moving it to a positive. The biggest benefit is that we wouldn't have to modify our foreign policy to please rogue states just because we need the oil.
    If the US were to start drilling offshore for oil, we may see relief in approximately 30 years. Nationally, gas prices would be affected by only a few cents per gallon, assuming success in the targeted locations. This oil would then be sold on the open market, so the U.S. advantage would ultimately be nil.
    Hell, if you listen to some of the economic geniuses on YA, the reason the price of oil is going down now is because McCain and Bush WANT to open up offshore drilling, instead of reduced demand.

    Bush and McCain are so all-powerful that simply their wishes affect the economy.
    Supply and demand would basically say any more supply would lower price. With people buying and selling futures on the price in 15 months or 3. These futures also influence price. With less futures traders buying, because there will be more supply. The price will go down too.
    The simple threat of drilling has already caused the price to come down, and yes I think supply would be increased in a year. Notice what has happened to oil prices since Bush called for more drilling.鈥?/a>
    Oil companies will always find excuses to increase prices. Why? Because oil WILL run out no matter where you drill.
    You're right. Hey, since I won't get paid for at least three weeks I wont bother getting a job.
    Does it really matter? Democrats said ten years ago that we wouldn't see any benefits for ten years. Look where that got us.
  • blush eyeshadow
  • Okay today, Why was my mom sitting in her car with the hood up whil my dad checked the oil in her car for her?

    I need 20 answers in all please.Okay today, Why was my mom sitting in her car with the hood up whil my dad checked the oil in her car for her?
    ....... he wanted to control the garage bills.Okay today, Why was my mom sitting in her car with the hood up whil my dad checked the oil in her car for her?
    answer 2
    because he knew more about cars?
    uhh this question sucks? does that count as an answer?

    Someone please help me,what is the latest price of oil per barrel today?

    42.16 spot price at the time of my answer.Someone please help me,what is the latest price of oil per barrel today?
    I don't know the exact number but they mentioned it on cnn about 45 minutes ago and I know they said it was about 40 something dollars.

    Obama supporters, Do you feel better that the stock market crashed, and oil is up to $147 today?


    we want the economy in a mess and higher gas prices till election day so more and more people vote for Obama for change!Obama supporters, Do you feel better that the stock market crashed, and oil is up to $147 today?
    Well, Obama has this election won, hands down..

    but, no, i'm not glad that the price of oil has gone up..Obama supporters, Do you feel better that the stock market crashed, and oil is up to $147 today?
    No, I'm not. I'm actually kind of offended my your question. Not so much personally, but I just see how deeply this economic meltdown and how fuel prices are affecting low-income folks and elderly. This isn't funny, people are starving out there. And to think that Mr. Obama can just come around and fix it all is completely unrealistic. Even Winston Churchill could only fix so much. I'm happy that Mr. Obama is however talking to the public and presenting himself as a real person. He is imperfect, he wants alternative energy, a Iraq pullout (at some point), and he is doing his best to be diplomatic by wanting to sit down and talk with terrorists. He's willing to be a grown-up. The republican idea of ';blow them up and they'll go away'; hasn't been very successful and has cost too many lives. ok I'll stop ranting. Have a nice day!
    I dunno....either way I don't see what the advantage to the American wage-earner would be to continue allowing the lunatics of the current GOP to run the show. No matter how you slice it these guys have not delivered anything but trouble and incompetence. Have they done anything to make it possible for the American wage-earner to afford health insurance? No! Have they attempted to move away from our 'oil only' energy policy? No! Have they done anything to address climate change? No! Have they done anything to keep our entire industrial infrastructure from going the way of the buffalo? No! Have they won a war lately? NO! Have they protected our borders. No! They haven't even made an effort to keep our tomatoes safe! So why NOT vote for Sen. Obama? I'm sure that his administration would be a lot more labor friendly and reasonable than the Bush Junta's....a cabal of losers that John McCain is now firmly in bed with. You guys can drive around smirking in your toy swift-boats from now to election day if you want, but that isn't going to help a slowly suffering and an increasingly financially strapped US population. Two words, bro! Grow up! No kiddin'!
    The Stock Market has not crashed YET.............

    But because of Dictator Bush oil will go in the the 4 digit area($1000.00) a barral and The Dow will fall into the single digit

    ($9.00 from 13,000 2 months ago) area. That will be the reason Bush declares himself Dictator For Life.

    and then the armed revolution will start
    Well, since I own a lot of stock in oil and energy companies, the higher prices have helped my portfolio. Thanks for asking.

    I love these continuing examples of Cons and Republicans blaming everyone else for the messes they create.
    do you, with your lame question you continue the division of America. you continue to distract America from talking about the real problems America is facing

    let the self serving 2 party's fade into history

    vote 3rd party

    time for a real change
    Yes, it is all Bush's ploy to get Obama elected. Bush's family fortune was made in oil, and he can't wait to get Obama in office so gas prices go down.

    You are a genius!
    No, but I new it would happen. When you have fake unemployment rates, this is what happens to the economy. All you have to do is look up why Reagan had to close the Wall Street down back in the 80's.
    Is that any worse than McCain supporters wanting a terrorist attack to happen in the US so that people will vote for McSame?
    Don't know where you are coming from -but

    I remember the movie - Titanic, and who the people were that got on the life boat and who did not.
    Interesting, whenever Obama rises in the polls, the stock market drops.
    That just turned my day around.
    No I want oil to get so expensive that we will drill thru Santa's toy factory to get oil.
    I blame Bush for the way things are today, and yes, that is why i have never been a republican and never will!
    Is this a Republican's attempt at snark? I think you should stay away from the sarcasm. Its not working for you.
    No but the GOP ';Grand Oil Party'; must be happy for the extra profit.
    What a bunch idiots! Grow up and get out of mommy and daddy's pocket.
    Are you on drugs? this is not a game but the product of an irresponsible administration. We are suffering just like you
    Much better, thank you!
    yes I do!
    It would drive me wild with excitement .. except, who can afford to drive?

    I got audi a6 , serviced 4 days ago and today engine oil light starts blinking, why?

    i bought audi a6 turbo 1999. i done the service and after 5 days the engine oil light starts blinking. i have checked the oil level, its all ok why does it happeningI got audi a6 , serviced 4 days ago and today engine oil light starts blinking, why?
    could be an oil pressure problemI got audi a6 , serviced 4 days ago and today engine oil light starts blinking, why?
    Get a dealer or a good garage to check the oil service pipe from the bottom of the engine to the turbo. They don't check it in a service. Just get it replaced. I had exactly the same problem on my 2000 A6 1.8T. This pipe becomes blocked and sometimes frees itself, hence the intermittant oil light! It loses pressure in the engine.

    It will seize your engine eventually, believe me I know, I had to get a new engine and turbo!
    if its a a6 turbo it has the 2.7 bi turbo engine. tht engine dosent normally sluge up(the thing with the oil pickup). the 1.8l a4 sludges up all the time also the newer 3.0 in a4's and a6's but not as often. if its a 2.7 (i havent seen a a6 with a 1.8l) i would say its probly a pressure sender but check oil pressure to be sure
    First check the oil fill cap. Make sure that it is tight. If it is not replace with a cap that fully seals. On VW, Audi, BMW the light will come on if the engine doesn't fully seal. It could also be may other things spun bearing, bad oil pump, bad oil filter, wrong oil viscosity , worn out engine but since you just changed the oil I'd look at the cap.
    Did you service at a dealer? They might have just overlooked resetting the service indicator.

    No alternative fuel is ready today to take the place of oil. Why not drill till it is?

    I would much rather get our own than make opec richer!No alternative fuel is ready today to take the place of oil. Why not drill till it is?
    BINGO !!!

    Long-term- seek viable alternatives

    Short-term- incentivise research, utilize our resouces, promote conservation

    If the BS from our legislators and liberals could be used as fuel, we would have a limitless supply.No alternative fuel is ready today to take the place of oil. Why not drill till it is?
    Because it seems that our interest in alternative fuels is directly related to the price of oil. As soon as we found a way to increase supply and lower the price, our drive to invest in alternative energy will evaporate until the price rose again. When that happens we will face exactly the same situation, except that we may have sacrificed some of our advantage by then. As it stands now, the United States can withstand a spike in oil prices without falling behind rapidly developing countries like China. In twenty years, that may not be the case.

    Frankly, I have no love for the tundra. I've been there, and it's not pretty. But I do think that drilling in ANWR would serve only to delay inevitable changes in our energy policy. And I worry that this delay could put us in a much more difficult position in the future. If this were not the case, if I had any faith that we might pursue alternative energies during a time of low oil prices, then I'd agree that we should drill.
    Drill Here Drill Now!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ever since the world's first commercial oil wells opened in the US and Russia in the 1850s, the question of future supply has been a matter of controversy.

    Today many people take for granted that oil production has peaked and that no substantial new amounts of oil are possible to develop.

    These pages present a contrary view based on the idea that oil reserve figures have not been presented honestly by the US and European oil industry. This is not to say that oil won't run out some day, but rather that the usually uncounted reserves are far larger than are generally known.
    The worst part is, there is more Oil than ever.It's all about Greed, and Profit.Just do a search on the Book Title '; Black Gold Stranglehold '; and you will see what I mean.And, there is actually no such thing as '; Fossil Fuel ';.When was the last time a Dinosaur Fossil was found in the Oil Fields of the Middle East ? Also, NASA has found Petroleum beyond the Earth.Now, I ask you, how did '; Fossil Fuel '; get out of this world ?
    We need to drill and drill and drill, flood the market with cheap American oil. But at the same time we need to be working on alternatives. They are saying it will take 7 years to get the new oil out of the ground where it would do any good, but it will take forever if we don't get started. I'd also bet that its going to be 20 years before we have any affordable alternatives if not longer.
    We already import more oil from Canada now than we do anyone else. With this massive supply of brand new oil, nearby, in a secure ally of ours, wouldn't you expect gas prices to go down? Instead, they continued to rise. We need to save these sources of oil for future drilling when we really need it, rather than deplete them right now so that gas can be a few cents cheaper.
    I'd rather invest it in wind turbines, solar and nuclear energy than waste it on more drilling and pollution. We have to reduce the use of oil period. Systematic and PERMANENT replacement of oil.
    yes we do have something different then oil to run cars on and its been here for years but they didnt' start it cause they thought we'd never run into this mess but we care compliments of OPEC i love them and when wer are selfsufficient well let them go hang. lol
    Libral Hippies are saying it would mess up[ the ozone even more, which it would.

    But I'm so with you,

    Drill in the Artic Cirlce or do something in the middle east to bring price of gas down.
    because it cost several hundred billion dollars to drill were we do every year
    actually electric cars are supposed to come out very soon;q=elec鈥?/a>
    Why not drill until you get to China?. Fossil fuels are running out on this planet. We as humans are going to die, just like the dinosours.
    Alas, you've found the 64,000 dollar question! I'm not sure anybody can provide a good answer. I do think the environmentalists are opposed to additional drilling, though.
    We should drill now and should have been drilling for the past 25 years but the Democrats and their supporters the tree huggers won't let us.
    i agree,drill now till everything else comes on line
    Good luck with that. Not enough oil in US to meet demand no matter how you slice it.
    I agree.
    For real. All this ethanol business has done is make food costs soar. Have you priced beef and chicken lately?
    Sure, whatever. If you want to pay an extra $2.00 to have that peace of mind.
    how about we conserve instead of wasting our fuel on H3 and huge homes...We are PIGS! and deserve to fail.

    Went to check the oil in my car today and the dip stick will not go back in all the way.?

    What is the cause of this?Went to check the oil in my car today and the dip stick will not go back in all the way.?
    Take the dipstick out and try again. Try turning it 180 degrees. the spout is curved and the dipstick has a natural curve to it. If you put it in the opposite direction, you're trying to bend it the wrong way and it won't want to go in. Went to check the oil in my car today and the dip stick will not go back in all the way.?
    some dip sticks has a little catch on the side of them.if your do just squeeze it where the catch is and it will slide right on in.
    Pull the dipstick back out and reverse the flat blade part before entering it back in the dipstick tube. See if this doesen't take care of the problem.
    Have you tried rotating it slightly? On some cars the dipstick will only slide in one way.
    Just move it around and don't be scared to use a bit of force.
  • blush eyeshadow
  • WHat is the price of crude oil today 8-6-08

    You can always check the most recent price here:

    $118.81 is the latest quote.

    WHat is the price of crude oil today 8-6-08
    $118.51 on the Nymex

    GM will be announcing today they have a vehicle that gets 230 miles a gallon, how will big oil react?

    GM will announce it's new vehicle today, the volt that gets 230 miles a gallon. How do you think big oil and Bush will react?

    MSNBCGM will be announcing today they have a vehicle that gets 230 miles a gallon, how will big oil react?
    Not too badly. Here's a link:鈥?/a>

    Here are some more:;鈥?/a>

    Here's why the 230 figure is deceptive: first, the 230 figure is city only; combined mileage will be lower. For long trips the mileage will be about the same as the Prius - 50mpg. Also, people are estimating the starting price at around $40,000.

    Second, it's a plug-in hybrid. So although you won't buy as many gallons of gas for it, you will buy more kilowatt-hours for it. Here's a chart showing how much a KWH costs in different areas of the US:鈥?/a> Also, be sure to charge it during the nighttime hours - it would be very rough on our power grid to charge your plug-in during peak use periods (9AM-5PM).

    If your KWH are generated with hydroelectric or wind they will be carbon free. But if your KWH are generated with coal, you may well be pouring more carbon into the atmosphere than traditional compact cars. Here's a discussion of carbon and plug-in hybrids:鈥?/a> Here's another:鈥?/a>

    Why won't the gasoline companies care? Because (1) they can sell the fuel to China. China has a huge and rapidly growing demand. (2) they can sell (a slightly different grade of) fuel to your electric company who will be wanting non-coal generators.

    .GM will be announcing today they have a vehicle that gets 230 miles a gallon, how will big oil react?
    Dreamer! It won't happen.

    The only way a car could have this mileage is to be very tiny ( a pair of motorized bicycles?) with a plug-in hybrid engine and regenerative braking. If such a car became popular the demand for electrical power would double - at least.

    Do you want another 500-1000 nuclear power plants or 2000-10000 oil or coal plants? Unless we build 1 nuclear or 5 conventional plants each week, the electrical power supply could not keep up with the demand. Plus it will take 8-10 years to complete the first new power plant - probably much longer. This means that that power for the plug-in hybrid will not be available until 2020 or later - probably 2030-2040.

    Big oil won't worry.
    Great looking car, one of the nicest looking sports car inside and out. Gets 230 miles a gallon, comes with a 40k price sticker, don't see them having a problem getting it by the looks of the car. most fuel efficient cars look ugly but this one is sharp! GM will start selling them in 2010. What I find odd, America is making great strides to become self sufficient from the big oil companies, the middle east and the rest of the world and we still have people complaining, go figure!
    No idea. I, however, wonder how it's going to effect the power grid. How will our power system handle the additional drain, especially during summer months when use is high. Electricity is neither cheap nor environmentally friendly to produce. I have very mixed feelings on this. Although I've really enjoyed my own prius, I'm wondering how this drain on the current electrical grids is going to play out.
    Bush doesn't own any oil companies I'm aware of. So you may want to ask Ted Kennedy, owner of Kenoil. Arctic Oil, and Forest Oil Corporation

    Also may want to ask anyone with a retirement plan. Around 80% of Mobil-Exxon stock is owned by retirement funds.
    I've been hearing or reading about these ';wonder cars'; for decades. I'll believe it when I see it.

    There's a difference between something being technically do-able and it being practical, mass-producable %26amp; affordable. Henry Ford understood that. Its my understanding that prototype flying-cars have been built before; let's all hold our breath waiting for ours.
    I don't know BUT OMG PLEASE POST A LINK.

    I hope they cry.

    Hey elitist snob excellent point. I would like to respond by saying that there are funds in the stimulus to restructure our electrical grid to make it more efficient and give us all access to places in the country where renewable energy is abundant. So, I imagine that by the time these cars hit the road in mass

    there will be contingencies in place to help us with the extra load.

    edit: Thanks elwood. I really should've done my own research so thanks for helping me be lazy. I don't know about the rest of you but this kind of stuff gets me excited!! I love technology!!
    I'll buy it. Is this the plug in hybrid that I have heard rumors about?

    Power plants covert fossile fuels to electricity MUCH more efficiently than cars do. So, even though the electricity comes from a power plant, you are using less fuel to move your car.
    A vehicle which still has not had its mileage verified, not expected until late 2010 (another year) and will cost 40K.

    Big oil will shrug the announcement off.
    I don't know about Bush but its not good news for fuel companies. Of course, it will be some time before such vehicles are common.
    I don't know, but when the power companies raise the rates, how will Libs react?
    Give them a fat check and say ';scrap it!';.

    Oil breaks $120 a barrel today, i thought Nancy Pelosi was gonna make gas prices go down?

    Maybe she found out theres nothing she can do to lower them?Oil breaks $120 a barrel today, i thought Nancy Pelosi was gonna make gas prices go down?
    I love how everything is Bush's fault. If the president had so much power, I don't really think I would want anyone running the country.

    The answer to your question is yes, there isn't a damn thing Nancy Pelosi can do about it. There isn't a damn thing Bush can do about it. Simple supply and demand, although I suspect most liberals use Soviet economic text books for their classes...Oil breaks $120 a barrel today, i thought Nancy Pelosi was gonna make gas prices go down?
    The operative word in this question is ';i thought';. I'd like to see exactly where Nancy Pelosi stated that she'd make gas prices go down. I don't ever recall her saying that. Could you please site a source.

    Note-You better watch out. If a ';question'; was asked in this form by a liberal it would be reported and you would get a violation. Technically this is not a question and violates the tos. Conservatives love to find technicalities to have questions removed that are contrary to their point of view. Since your rant is conservative in nature you probably won't get reported.
    It's only been about 2 years since she said that.

    Give her more time.

    Remember, 2 years ago she also promised to end the war and improve the economy so her plate's pretty full.

    Any day now you should see these things happen.

    EDIT: See, the apologists are giving Economics lessons. Pelosi SAID she would lower the prices. The question isn't whether or not she CAN, it was the MAIN PLATFORM of her 2006 campaign.
    No one single person can change the buying and selling of a internationally traded commodity like oil. congress could pass a resolution like Mexico did but they wont (the price of gas is $2 less a gallon in Mexico due to a price fix) the president or Nancy has nothing to do with it, Investors drive up the price.
    We should all write her and others and hold them accountable for what they say and write; show them we are paying attention and maybe they would be more careful when they speak. I get tired of their rhetoric. I would like some plain common sense speak and solutions to some real problems not rearranging chairs on the Titanic while we are sinking with inflation, gas,ILLEGAL immigration, jobs, the War, NAFTA, OH WAIT I think Ron Paul would take care of that. Bye..
    I wish she could, but we are at the mercy of the oil barons in the Mideast and here at home. Once they have tasted profits like now, it will be hard, if not impossible, to get them to stop raising prices. It isn't Nancy Pelosi's fault, or even Congress' fault. Bush probably could influence them, but he won't!
    Yeah, but you won't hear her yelling that from the steps of Congress will you?

    I can't help you on the gas prices, I'm basically worthless to you. Be sure to vote for me again!

    Of course she can't do anything about it, but it didn't stop her from telling us she could, did it?
    It takes more than her. Bush is responsible. He needs to make peace with Venezuela, pressure OPEC to lower prices, impose controls, release surplus oil. He, won't though, because he's making a killing, Halliburton Cheney too
    That is good.

    TWO years ago the unemployment rate was 4.1

    The GDP was 2.8

    The gas prices were 2.65 cents a gallon.

    And the democrats told us how bad we had it!

    Thanks Democrats!
    There is a lot they could do to lower the price (of GASOLINE) but all of them would result in more deficit... And who wants that? Aren't we more concerned in the country with making sure the government has enough money to operate? :)
    Anyone who thinks the President, Congress or any Politician can do anything about the oil prices is a fool. They,both the Republicans and Democrats, caused this mess. Peace
    Lowering the gas price is not their objective, tighting the regulation on the gas companies is.
    Gas is going to $6.00 and oil companies are making record profits. What do our fearless leaders com up with? A gas tax holiday? Well happy holiday everyone!
    It is out of their hands unless they nationalize the oil companies.
    All Nancy Pelosi is going to do is blow a lot of hot air up American's, and pass gas from all the free dinners she's getting.
    Nancy Pelosi can't control the market, seems like only the panic inflicting speculators can..
    Yea right.............I have some lovely lake front property I can sell you that is in Arizona and I will sell it to you at a real good price! Are you buying??
    Nancy smokes the big cigar.
    Apparently not.

    She reminds me of a visit to Disneyworld when I saw Dopey.
    ...or Harry Reid sat on her magic wand...on purpose...repeatedly
    hey, leave her alone, shes doing her part.....

    by riding her broom to work everyday.....

    There is only one thing congress can do about it, sadly they don't have the balls to impeach the bastard.
    i dont listen to that lesbean from California and you shouldent neither!
    ya think ?!?

    of course she cant bring down gas prices

    why did you think that ???????
    She lied. and just for votes! Grrrr...

    Today Oil is @ $35 a barrel. In summer, oil was $45+ a barrel, WHY DOES A GALLON OF GAS COST MORE TODAY?

    Im confused.. Here in Los Angeles, we're @ 2.25 for a gallon of gas. Yet, in summer, we were @ 1.80 a gallon. Oil and gas are both trading LOWER today than a few months ago.. what am I missing here???Today Oil is @ $35 a barrel. In summer, oil was $45+ a barrel, WHY DOES A GALLON OF GAS COST MORE TODAY?
    because they are price gouging jerks all the sudden we don't have enough gas then we have a hugh reserve and know they have cut production because we have to much surplus and we are using less fuel than before so they jack up the price for no reason. but what they don't seem to understand is that if they want to stimulate the economy drop gas down to a dollar a gallon where it should be and people would have more money to spend on non necessary items.Today Oil is @ $35 a barrel. In summer, oil was $45+ a barrel, WHY DOES A GALLON OF GAS COST MORE TODAY?
    The refineries are cutting there production back which raises the price. Even though oil is relatively cheap and there is a surplus building up, when the refineries are not producing, it will cause the price to go up.

    The refineries do this because they get a cut of the gas prices. It makes no sense to produce something if your not going to make a little from doing it.鈥?/a> Read this article maybe it might help you understand better. Bottom line is oil companies along with some producers are greedy.

    Did you believe the Democrat congressman whom today claimed oil companies were refusing to drill on the land?

    they had leased, in order to keep the price of gasoline high?

    Is there any end to the stupidity that comes out of these politicians mouths?Did you believe the Democrat congressman whom today claimed oil companies were refusing to drill on the land?
    He must figure the only time an oil company would want to produce more oil is when prices are low

    there's democrat logic for you

    god are these people ever stupid

    no wonder things are so screwed up

    you have to have the dumbest people in the country running thingsDid you believe the Democrat congressman whom today claimed oil companies were refusing to drill on the land?
    This is true. The oil companies are leasing thousands of acres of land as well as thousands of acres on the continental shelf. They choose not to drill at this time. Why they aren't drilling is unknown to the Congressman, however. Most likely, the costs of finding,drilling, and extracting any oil that MIGHT be there are prohibitive. We also don't know the terms of the leases. Perhaps the lease terms are unfavorable, and the oil companies are awaiting some type of leverage to renegotiate the leases, or for the leases to expire.
    If the Democratic Congress knew what they were doing, they would simply hire inspectors to audit records of the oil companies to show what the research on the oil properties has proven, and then audit the refineries to make sure they're running at capacity, and not being restricted as part of a price-fixing scheme. Funny how they keep us in the dark, though, with this ';he said, she said'; bull$#!t.
    Obviously they don't know beans about the oil business. A lease is not a guarantee oil will be found. Even if it is, the conservationists file lawsuits, and the oil company has to file environmentals with the government (which can be denied) and then they have to get another lease in order to pump the oil.

    I have a brother in law in the oil business and he tells me they quit pumping in the Gulf of Mexico and go get the foreign oil to make higher profit.

    It isn't that there isn't oil it's that they want higher profit and if where they have to drill will cost more than going to Africa to get the oil then that is what they do.

    Let us remember OIL is a NONRENEWABLE resource and will at some point become extinct. So, let find alternatives and stop using so much. Plan your driving, walk, take public transportation, bicycle, use electric (of course unless it is solar charged it isn't free).

    You really think the oil companies have your best interest in mind? Think again.
    No. It is a diversion.

    Democrat Voters will believe Anything----- as long as you throw in a Welfare Check.

    (Those leases are costing Oil Companies Millions %26amp; Millions of Dollars each year. They can't drill them all at once. Idiots don't know a thing about it.)
    That happens to be true...

    We have open reserves that the Republicans... errr... I mean, oil companies... don't want to drill in, because it's their plan to make sure they attain all of the potential oil for the ';futures market';.
    Not really, since the same congressman probably fought drilling the same land tooth and nail until off-shore drilling was put on the table.
    I wonder sometimes if there is any end to the stupidity that I read here on a daily basis coming from the uninformed that love to twist bits of information into statements that are not true or are out of context.
    I wouldn't anymore surprised that he was telling the truth about it than if he was lying about it. They're all lying about it.
    Sounds like something a conspiracy theroist came up with.
    This is coming from the same people who who have the power to approve drilling off shore but will not.
    unfortunately it is true.
    Repubes are repugnant.
    We have proof that there is life on Mars. I can't believe our Congress is home grown.
    I believe it.
    shows the democrats for the liars they are.
    no end in sight,they continue to lie for over 30 years !
    ANSWER: Never happened.



    and definitely NO
    No, and No and oh yah, NO.鈥?/a>

    Here's one instance.

    Instead of taking what one or the other says as accurate, I like to read it myself.
    No, every excuse that dems keep coming up with to prevent it are complete frauds. It is ok though, because their refusal is killing them.
    If a Democrat says it don't believe it.

    The price of a barrel of oil today 19/04/07?

    There are 2 prices, one the hidden price or the adquired price, two the profit price with all the additional, like cost for the war and else. which price you want to know.The price of a barrel of oil today 19/04/07?
    Is being manipulated, as always, by the major oil distributors and oil companies. They keep super-tankers at sea until the price is right then bring in just enough to maintain the price where they want it. We've all been getting ripped off for years, and it ain't gonna git any better neither.
  • blush eyeshadow
  • How much per barrel did oil close at today??

    $140.97How much per barrel did oil close at today??
    an arm and a leg 140. and some change

    Our oil burner (Biasi B30/3) needs reset after we refueled today... I am not sure where the reset button is ?

    We have a Biasi B30/3 oil burner which controls our central heating and after it was switched off to refuel today, it would not start again, leading us to believe that it may need reset. We cannot, however find the reset button and can only find instruction manuals in Italian on the internet. Would appreciate any input or info... cheers.Our oil burner (Biasi B30/3) needs reset after we refueled today... I am not sure where the reset button is ?
    hate to be a smart a$$, but call a service tech to come check the burner and tune it experience has been that if you needed to get more fuel it is time to change the oil filter and nozzle and retune the burner this will help save some of that hard earned money you just layed out

    Do you think if the U S goverment anounced today we are going to start drilling oil the price would come down?

    Yes, and so would the price of natural gas. The reason is that speculation is responsible for 20 to 50 % of the cost of oil. If speculators are assured that more oil will be coming into the market, they will drive down the price of oil. Read the article below. Congressman Peterson knows quite a bit about the energy problem, and he recommends drilling off our coasts an in ANWR.

    Glenn Beck: Time to drill!!

    June 13, 2008鈥?/a>

    GLENN: Let's go to Congressman PetersonDo you think if the U S goverment anounced today we are going to start drilling oil the price would come down?
    No, this isn't being caused by supply and demand, it being caused by a drop in the value of the dollar and speculation in the market. The increase in demand, according to OPEC would make oil at seventy dollars a barrel, not the one thirty to one forty range its been in this week.

    The US does not drill the oil it sells leases to drill oil.

    An oil company can buy the lease, and still not drill if that were the only reason oil was high.

    Why would they want to bring the price of oil down? They have been scoring the highest profits ever recorded by a private industry for the past three quarters.Do you think if the U S goverment anounced today we are going to start drilling oil the price would come down?
    Not immediately, It would take about ten years to build more refineries which would be needed and the exploration and getting it all together would take time even before we could start drilling, unless some of the oil reserves were freed up in the meantime.

    I don't think it would take long before the price of oil went down once OPEC and others realized we would no longer be dependent on them.

    It most certainly will hit the $10/gal. if we are not allowed to drill and if ';windfall'; profits were seized by the government!

    i think it was karl rove the other day who said, if we make it known we are aggressively starting to drill, prices would move down and he also said that if we dumped oil from the strategic reserves back into the market at 3-5 million barrels a day, it would go down even more but he gave no numbers. i tend to agree with him on this.
    It won't happen, liberals will block it; why?

    They want to bring the USA to its knees, to build if back under a socialist government. Libs believe the only way they can gain power is when bad things happen to the economy and our country. No one will accept socialism if its presented honestly.

    If they talk about drilling oil in USA, libs will go ballistic.
    read the news, the price just dropped. but, no, it would not come down. don't expect it to come down much.

    if we started drilling today, it would be years before we saw any oil from it. and really very little anyway.

    we've had over 36 years to think about this, why hasn't anything been done?
    Drill where? We've already done that.

    Columbia? They have a war down there. Venezuela? They got Chavez down there. Russia? Not for us. The Chinese are looking too.

    We do have oil reserves in the ground right here, but they don't want to touch that.
    Not for a while as it would take years for the new oil to be flowing in. In the mean time, the cartels have a noose around our necks.
    Yeah, the price at the pumps would probably come down a penny or two for a day or so, then go back up and keep rising.

    Expect $5/gallon by fall.
    It would plummet.
    No way! Are you kidding me? This whole thing is a part of Cheney's secret energy plan! The oil companies have millions of acres of oil lease land RIGHT NOW! They are NOT even trying to pump that oil out of the ground! Why would destroying a pristine wilderness for more of the goo be a good thing? We need to understand that the 'energy' that is in oil, originally came from the Sun. We should go right to the source for our power needs! Solar,wind,and tidal are viable alternitives to the poisonous oil we now use.

    Today as we know crude oil prices fell (7-16-08). What is the outlook for tommorro or the next day? rise?

    Will crude oil prices rise again tommorro or the next day? Also does crude oil pricing affect gas companies such as exxon, chevron etc? Please explain that relatioship as well.

    ThanksToday as we know crude oil prices fell (7-16-08). What is the outlook for tommorro or the next day? rise?
    of course they will go up. and then down again and then

    up some more.

    that is the way roller coasters work.

    How does the Standard Oil Company affect us today?

    Its children are still alive.

    The successor companies from Standard Oil's breakup form the core of today's US oil industry. (Several of these companies were considered among the Seven Sisters who dominated the industry worldwide for much of the twentieth century.) They include:

    * Standard Oil of New Jersey (SONJ) - or Esso (S.O.) - renamed Exxon, now part of ExxonMobil. Standard Trust companies Carter Oil, Imperial Oil (Canada), and Standard of Louisiana were kept as part of Standard Oil of New Jersey after the breakup.

    * Standard Oil of New York - or Socony, merged with Vacuum - renamed Mobil, now part of ExxonMobil.

    * Standard Oil of California - or Socal - renamed Chevron, became ChevronTexaco, but returned to Chevron.

    * Standard Oil of Indiana - or Stanolind, renamed Amoco (American Oil Co.) - now part of BP.

    * Standard's Atlantic and the independent company Richfield merged to form Atlantic Richfield or ARCO, now part of BP. Atlantic operations were spun off and bought by Sunoco.

    * Standard Oil of Kentucky - or Kyso was acquired by Standard Oil of California - currently Chevron.

    * Continental Oil Company - or Conoco now part of ConocoPhillips.

    * Standard Oil of Ohio - or Sohio now part of BP.

    * The Ohio Oil Company - more commonly referred to as ';The Ohio';, and marketed gasoline under the Marathon name. The company is now known as Marathon Oil Company, and was often a rival with the in-state Standard spinoff, Sohio.

    Other Standard Oil spin-offs:

    * Standard Oil of Iowa - pre-1911 - became Standard Oil of California.

    * Standard Oil of Minnesota - pre-1911 - bought by Standard Oil of Indiana.

    * Standard Oil of Illinois - pre-1911 - bought by Standard Oil of Indiana.

    * Standard Oil of Kansas - refining only, eventually bought by Indiana Standard.

    * Standard Oil of Missouri - pre-1911 - dissolved.

    * Standard Oil of Louisiana - always owned by Standard Oil of New Jersey (now ExxonMobil).

    * Standard Oil of Brazil - always owned by Standard Oil of New Jersey (now ExxonMobil).

    Other companies divested in the 1911 breakup:

    * Anglo-American Oil Co. - acquired by Jersey Standard in 1930, now Esso UK.

    * Buckeye Pipeline Co.

    * Borne-Scrymser Co. (chemicals)

    * Chesebrough Manufacturing (Vaseline)

    * Colonial Oil.

    * Crescent Pipeline Co.

    * Cumberland Pipe Line Co.

    * Eureka Pipe Line Co.

    * Galena-Signal Oil Co.

    * Indiana Pipe Line Co.

    * National Transit Co.

    * New York Transit Co.

    * Northern Pipe Line Co.

    * Prairie Oil %26amp; Gas.

    * Solar Refining.

    * Southern Pipe Line Co.

    * South Penn Oil Co. - eventually became Pennzoil, now part of Shell.

    * Southwest Pennsylvania Pipe Line Co.

    * Swan and Finch.

    * Union Tank Lines.

    * Washington Oil Co.

    * Waters-Pierce.

    Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit today this was my stepdad?

    Now they are divorced and now her and my real dad are married again so why did her ex husband check the oil and water in her car, she did not ask him to check it.Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit today this was my stepdad?
    He may be trying to stay in her life at any costs, whole situation seems confussing!Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit today this was my stepdad?
    Maybe he still wants to be in the picture. But to be on the safe side, she should have it rechecked...
    Is it me, or did this question become even more pointless since the first time you asked it many moons ago? Not to mention all the times in between. Nobody cares why he checks the oil and water in the car, and neither should you. Can't you find something new to analyse to death?
    He could have a soft spot for the car and want it to be ok or he may still care enough for you and your mum that he wanted to make sure you are safe or he could have said he was checking the oil and water but cutting her brake lines!
    I agree with Nelly, she should have it rechecked.
    Maybe he always did this for her while they where married and it is just a habit.
  • blush eyeshadow
  • Has any of the oil or gas we use today been formed during your lifetime?

    exlain?Has any of the oil or gas we use today been formed during your lifetime?
    Processed yes, but that's not what people (in the current 1st-world countries) would usually mean by asking that question.

    I have a 1992 cadillac with a 4.9 engine. i found gas in the oil today. what could cause this to happen?

    Everybody said the fuel injectors, the problem with this answer is that a 1992 Cadillac has throttle body fuel injection, you are getting more gas than you need,the motor is probably running real rough or not idling very smooth, that is because your EGR valve needs to be replaced. Try this first this is what is letting raw gas build up on top of your cylinders and letting gas get in to your oil pan! Good Luck!I have a 1992 cadillac with a 4.9 engine. i found gas in the oil today. what could cause this to happen?
    I had one of these cars actually it was a 91 but still the same car and sold it running fairly well at 250,000 miles. One thing I can think of is a leaky injector a sign of this is long cranking starts. If it takes the car several seconds to actually fire up when cranking it after sitting for a half an hour or so this is a good indicator. A leaking injector usually won't cause running problems. If the car is spewing black or even white smoke when you give it gas this could mean you have a mixture problem. Some people think that white smoke out of the exhaust is only coolant but sometimes it can be raw fuel. Black smoke is partially burnt fuel and white can be unburnt fuel caused by a severely rich mixture. More than likely it's a leaking injector though. One way to test this is to turn the key to run then back off and after 15-30 mins push in the valve that is in the fuel line port. I can't remember exactly where the port is but it should be on the fuel line on top of the motor near the injectors. If there is no pressure when you push the valve in then it is possible you have a leaking injector. The line should stay pressurized for around a half an hour at least before the fuel pump may let it leak back to the tank. Some will even hold pressure all night depends on age and car.I have a 1992 cadillac with a 4.9 engine. i found gas in the oil today. what could cause this to happen?
    Are you sure it was Gas ? or just the odor of gas. That is normally a pretty good motor. I think you probably need to change the plugs, change the oil and filter, and maybe also the plug wires.

    If you are smelling a lot of un-burned fuel in the oil, you are running too rich. Either the plugs aren't firing, or the injectors are off calibration, or the choke is sticking.
    Not sure on Caddy's but I have had the fuel pressure regulator stick on a six cylinder Ford and it filled the crank case with gas.
    Revving it just before shutting it down. Defective fuel injector. Stuck valve. Bad rings.
    I'm thinking bad rings, worst case scenerio warped head good luck

    With Oil recently hitting $100 today will this cause the USD to be further devalued?

    I really don't know? I wonder what this means for international trade, especially US-World trade.????With Oil recently hitting $100 today will this cause the USD to be further devalued?
    Higher oil doesnt make the dollar lose value. It works the other way around. A weaker dollar contributes to more expensive oil, because it makes importing oil more expensive in dollar terms.

    The oil itself going up doesnt do much to world trade other then slightly less oil will be bought compared to what would have otherwise. The weaker dollar has the effect of decreasing US imports, because it is more expensive for Americans to buy foreign goods (including oil), but it will increases US exports, becasue US goods are cheaper for foreignors. This is what we have seen for about a year and for the first time in years, the trade deficit has been shrinking for about a year now. The dollar does relaistically need to come down more to bring the US trade deficit into balance; however, a very fast change in a curreny causes a fincial shock. Its not the declining dollar that should be as worrysome, but rather how fast it has fallen and if it will continue or accellerate in its fall.With Oil recently hitting $100 today will this cause the USD to be further devalued?
    Oil affects the USD/CAD relationship primarily.

    There was a good article this week in Barron's however, outlining why the Canadian government has a hard time benefitting from the high price of Oil in relationship to the strength of it's currency.

    Did the price of crude oil go up or down today?

    If you know also how much did it go up or down?Did the price of crude oil go up or down today?
    Up - $1.17 for close in contracts.鈥?/a>Did the price of crude oil go up or down today?
    the price of oil definally went up since I last looked at it.

    How long would us troops stay in Iraq if it run out of oil today?

    what makes you think were getin any oil out of there?......that would have been a better plan, out of the gate though. Piss on bagdad, charge right for the refineries and secure them, then start loadin the tankers, w/ escorts, ta pay for the war. Should have learned from Kuiwait, they still havent paid there bill yet, and building a airforce base to protect them dont count.........How long would us troops stay in Iraq if it run out of oil today?
    thirty daysHow long would us troops stay in Iraq if it run out of oil today?
    my guess is less than 24 hours coz' that's why they are here in the first place right?
    huh?!? WTF?!?
    Well if it runs out of oil ill be stuck here no fuel for the planes

    If crude oil never existed, how would the world be different today?

    Keep in mind the Middle East situation, as well as things such as transportation (air and ground), plastics, and patroleum based products.If crude oil never existed, how would the world be different today?
    I'm not sure it would be different. Every new invention that has revolutionized our way of life in this world has had a less popular adversary [i.e. wood burning to heat homes circa early 20th century to electricity/gas circa late 20/early 21 century]. I think it has less to do with the material used to manufacture the product than it does with the idea behind the material which the inventor used to create it. For example, Tupperware. I imagine the person who invented it thought. ';What could I use to create a container that is flexible, reusable, and long-lasting....through this line of thought came plastic as a solution. If oil and thus plastic never existed another material that possessed the above mentioned qualities would have been used instead.If crude oil never existed, how would the world be different today?
    I believe that we would've found some other product for use of energy some of which we are finding now (solar power, wind power,etc.). One of this alternate fuel sources we may find and use in later years if not discovered yet. If these unknown fuel sources were plentiful it would probably be less useful and we might not have as much technology that is available today. Planes, Cars, Trains, and even war machines would look different because of the change needed to make the vehicle run on this unknown fuel.

    But the biggest benefactor of not having crude oil would be Greenhouse gases, pollution all the negatives you hear about on the Internet and on TV. The world would probably be a much healthier planet then it is now.
    I'm assuming that we can lump (sorry for the pun) coal into the equation since it's sort of a fossil fuel.

    It's likely that nothing would exist as you know it today. Society would not have evolved past the point that it was 400 years ago.

    People who say we'd have developed alternative energy sources forget how much part fossil fuels play in the part of developing and producing what we have now. Think we'd have solar power panels? How about geothermal? How would you transmit power without the ability to mass mine copper? The windmill and water-wheel would be the peak of alternative energy.

    The middle east would be largely desolate.

    We would have a largely scattered agrarian society with some fishing and exploration.

    The industrial revolution would have never happened.

    We would likely not be alive or enjoying the luxury of being able to debate something so esoteric. If we had been born, gathering food, staying safe and warm would be of utmost importance.

    EDIT: Dude, airplanes? Are you serious? How would one develop an airplane without fossil fuels? Think about it! The airplane would likely not have progressed beyond Daedalus and DaVinci.
    The world would look alot like it did in about 1870 or so.

    There would be no air transportation, plastics and whatever petroleum products would be produced strictly for industrial use, and probably would not be available to consumers as such. Rubber Trees, naturally occurring tar-sands and perhaps the limited use of gas (methane) were in use before the development of the oil industry.

    The middle east would largely be a sparsely populated, ultra-poor desert of warring Bedoins, rather like it is today, without money.

    The Ottoman empire or something like it would still exist since World War 1 and 2 would not have happened or if they had happened, there would have been a radically different outcome considering that the US, Germany, Japan and Russia all became involved or went to war due to oil, Germany attacked the USSR to gain access to oil, Japan attacked the US because of an US imposed oil embargo.

    Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia all were creations of oil and as nations would not exist. Such highly industrialized societies could not exist without access to coal or something in their region for mining, since the region lacks both coal or wood, they would pastoral or sparsely populated.

    There would only be about 20% as many people alive. Since Southeast Asia and large parts of the world otherwise, ';eat'; oil. Since oil makes something like 50/70% more food available due to fertilizers / transportation and heavy machine use to create and maintain farm land.

    The US might not be as agrarian as it was in 1870, but it would certainly not be as urban as it is today. Nearly 95% of everyone in the US and Europe lives in cities or suburban areas and is not directly involved in farming or food production.

    Even with efficient transportation via rail and steam or horse-drawn transport, nearly 25% of all citizens would be in farming related production or logistics. Big cities or sprawls like the Northeast or the Desert cities of Los Angeles or Las Vegas might exist but they would be tiny towns rather than big cities.

    The electronics revolution largely would not / could not have occurred. Plastics and good modern polymer chemistry allowed for advancements in electronics, electronics miniaturization and other advances which would make the advent of computers as we use them today, improbable.

    In about 30 years, we will get to discover what it's like to live in a world where crude oil doesn't exist - again, it's not that oil will be gone completely, but it will be, very rare and very expensive.

    Barring a new technology that can produce large quantities of high-grade gasoline, and oil products, either biologically or from other natural resources, starting in about 2015 or so, the planetary economy will shrink slightly every year until a new inexpensive major energy source is discovered.

    Without that ';miracle'; technology, we'll all learn what a world without easy and cheap oil is like.

    First lessons about this new world energy environment, are already happening, gasoline has tripled in price and will probably ';top out'; at between 7 and 9$ per gallon, at which point, vast tar sands in Canada and Venezuela are able to be mined and processed profitably.

    In 200 years, there might be tar-sands in Canada left, but Saudi Arabia will be tapped out and we will not be using fossil fuels, whether we are flying around in hover-cars that are powered by water, or are huddled around campfires in small post-civilization villages, 100 years into a permanent dark-age is a question we answer today.
    its almost impossible to know for sure, but one could assume more countries would dependent on their own energy sources, there would far less 'globalism' and more nations would 'take care of your own' more than they do know.

    'schools?' We had schools before cars....long before cars.

    Fiberglass could replace plastic for many applications, so thats not too big of a deal (we got by for centuries without plastic) could hemp products.

    Its not really a coincedence in my mind that with the increase in plastics and petroleum based substances that the vitirol against marijuana increased too...

    Hemp products caused oil companies to lose out on a lot of profits.
    Modern society wouldn't exist. You wouldn't have plastic, modern agriculture, electronics, automobilies, anything like that. It was research using patroleum that drove advances in chemistry and organic chemistry (I know it's odd to think of petroleum as 'organic,' but it is, it contains carbon). Without that influence, chemistry, and thus all science, might be set back a century or more. Think 19th century, coal-fired steam engines, derrigibles, horses... With air power limitted, international military power would still be a matter of navies, with battleships as thier crown jewels. Pearl Harbor would have to have been a naval bombardment by the Yomato.
    The Western World as we know it could not exist and will not

    contiue to exist with out it. Though most petroleum is used in the

    production of energy, Its responsible for more aspecs of our

    technologocal world than you can imagine. Petroleum extracts

    and distilates are crucial in all of our industries. There are no

    substitutes to match its abundance, its cost, or its diverse use.

    The world we know must me drastically altered to accommodate

    it's absence. I'm looking forward to that.
    there would be less wars since of this


    solar is very expensive, most people would have to walk, have to probabaly not go to school since some people were i live can barely afford cars
    Urban planning would've produced much more efficient city designs.
    Liberals would have nothing to ***** at, al gore would be a soy bean salesman ..and the dinosaurs would still be in manhattan
    Mr. Chi,

    There would be no Yahoo...and I would not be able to read your question.
    We would be overpaying for some other item.
    I'd be Amish.
    We would have found alternative fuels a long time ago!
  • blush eyeshadow
  • Donald Trump was on the news today saying that our friends the Saudis are responsible for the high oil prices?

    If this is true should we be providing them with arms and security? Could our President demand that they lower the prices?Donald Trump was on the news today saying that our friends the Saudis are responsible for the high oil prices?
    Wall Street has much more to do with the prices we pay in this country then Saudi Arabia. Half the price of gasoline here is fear, pure speculation.Donald Trump was on the news today saying that our friends the Saudis are responsible for the high oil prices?
    oil prices will go up more now, because they had to pay us for those arms, it never fails how the repubs can take even more from us
    The Saudis are drilling as fast as they can, but they may already have reached ';peak oil'; production.

    Oil is traded on the open market where price is a function of demand and supply. Are you suggesting that Bush insist the Saudis sell oil to the US at $50/barrel when the market price is $100/barrel?

    If this is so, China would happily arm and protect the Saudis against the US.

    What should worry you most is when oil producers realise how volatile the US$ is, and start trading oil in harder currencies than the US$ e.g. the Euro. If you had to buy oil in Euros it would cost above $200/barrel.

    As it is, the USA has a strategic reserve of years of oil, deliberately left in the ground, and more available as Oil Shale in the Rockie Mountains, which becomes economical to extract at $55/barrel.
    The only thing Trump is good for is a laugh.

    He has been bankrupt more times than gary coleman.

    The Saudis are our friends.

    Anyway----- the Saudis gave 10 Million Dollars to the Clinton Library.

    (It was ';pay-back'; time.)
    Trump is correct.

    The Saudis are restricting oil production because the value of the US dollar has fallen 35% in the last 6 years.

    The US dollars they are holding isn't worth as much, so they are going to restrict production which will keep the price of oil inflated, that way they make more money to cover the loss in value.
    Very true.
    Unfortunately, the Saudis have us by the proverbial ';short ones'; on this. Stop the security and arms, pay more for the oil. Essentially, it is extortion.
    There'll never be enough oil to keep Donald Trump's hair in place!
    The Saudis have a geographically strategic position, and the US plays nice with them more than we'd like to. As a tradeoff for letting us keep soldiers there so we have a little better foothold in the Middle East (which we've been doing for decades), we buy oil from them, and overlook things like the way they treat women (which we've been doing for decades).

    In an ideal world, we would not have to do business with the Saudis, although in the real world there are much bigger fish to fry, and as Clinton and Bush and Reagan all knew, we have to make friends we might not like, in order to accomplish the other things we choose to do.

    Why did my uncle check the oil and water in my moms car when she was at her moms house today?

    She did not ask him to check it. I need 20 answers please.Why did my uncle check the oil and water in my moms car when she was at her moms house today?
    Because brothers do nice things for their sisters sometimes. I bet she appreciated it very much.Why did my uncle check the oil and water in my moms car when she was at her moms house today?
    Her cares about her and was just doing her a favor. He thought it would be nice. It was a nice ';gesture';. Family takes care of family. He wanted to make sure she was safe whenever she went out on the road.

    Peace, Love %26amp; Happiness
    because he was just being nice. checking it without being asked makes it super nice.
    It is a guy thing that is just what they do he was just trying to be nice.
    Because he is a good brother and needs to stay busy.
    didn't you ask this question about 2/3 months ago??
    What? Stupid Question, more details needed!

    Maybe he's just a nice guy, or is he parking his car in her garage?
    please don't waste our time we got other important questions to answer

    Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today. Why are oil prices spiking?

    How is the assassination of a foreign opposition leader related to oil and gold prices rising? Also, how does it relate to the U.S stocks falling? In fact, how does it relate to anything economic at all? I don't quite understand it. Anyone care to explain?Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today. Why are oil prices spiking?
    Well, the oil producer countries will do everything to increase the oil prices.Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today. Why are oil prices spiking?
    I do not think the her assignation will have any effect on the price of oil, or effect the economy in the slightest bit. What does worry me is now there is an unstable country having possession of the atomic bomb. That the last thing the world needs as nearly half of all Pakistanis support the Taliban.
    They will go back down after the funeral lol
    This is so funny....does he has any statistical fact that half pakistani support Taliban.

    I m sure he cant even tell where is pakistan located on the map and ppl like him just give their opinion without knowing the real facts.
    I could try, but that would most likely a waste of my time.

    Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit her today?

    This use to be my step day but they got a divorce and now my mom and dad are married again and my dad was at work when her ex husband came by to visit so why did he check the oil and water in her car, she did not ask him to check it. 20 answers please.Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit her today?
    uh...why don't you ask him?Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit her today?
    He was thinking with his dipstick!
    I don't know! Why don't you ask your mom?
    he was cutting the brake cables. he's trying to take out ur mom so he doesn't have to pay alimony. i tried the same ****.
    As an excuse to cut her brake lines?
    he's trying to see if she was out and about
    Perhaps she called him up and asked him to come over and check...?

    Ask him or your mum if you really wanna know.

    and why 20 answers?
    Why on earth would we know this?

    Maybe he was just being nice.
    she was going to chek if every thing is o.k
    I don't know but...why do you ask this question every few months?
    why do you want 20 answers? why not 21?
    I guess you should ask him, he knows the answer better than anyone.

    I bought a house 6 months ago in houston.was digging to plant roses today,and came across a lot of used oil.?

    the oil is burried in my soil.the deeper i dig the stronger the odor gets.all that soil is gonna have to be you think the previous owners should be held responsible for that?why would someone do that.i wish i could sue them.I bought a house 6 months ago in houston.was digging to plant roses today,and came across a lot of used oil.?
    Hold on a minute, this could be residual from a toxic dumping years ago and not done by the previous owner. Call the city or county and have the state test it via their Environmental agency. There is a Superfund with some monies available to remove such waste in sites.

    Don't ignore it get some professional help--include your state agencies.I bought a house 6 months ago in houston.was digging to plant roses today,and came across a lot of used oil.?
    Yes, the previous owners could be held responsible, if they put the oil there or knew about the oil and did nothing. You should definatly contact an attorney right away. The sooner the better.

    You also will need to clean it up as soon as possible, because for one it could be somehting much more toxic than oil, and if it is oil it can do considerable harm to your surrounding environmet, pets, or kids if it's not disposed of properly.

    Many States have programs to help homeowners pay for the cleanup of such sites. That's another reason to contact a lawyer. It could save you thousands of dollars and stress in the future.

    Just what ever you do, don't wait. Do something as soon as you can.
    I would research your situation before you act. If you tell the EPA or similar authority that you have hazardous material on your property and you can't prove that the previous owner is responsible then YOU are responsible for the clean-up which can be quite expensive and they may have the power to force you. Talk to a lawyer.
    you should talk to an attorney and see if he is not responsible for damages. i know here in tn you would have to take care of it if you hid something like that in a house you sold.
    I would think the old owner should be accountable. I would see a lawyer.
    get an attorney and call the E.P.A.
    I remember seeing this on TV somewhere....

    ... And then they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverely,...

    ...Hills that is..

    ...Movie stars...

    Or you could call a lawyer. You may not want to call the EPA until you know if you have another place to stay first.

    I think you can sue them... contact the realtor who helped you close on the house and a lawyer...