Friday, December 18, 2009

Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, and force America to pay these high oil prices today?

Is he like most Democrats that refuse to do the right thing regarding America?Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, and force America to pay these high oil prices today?
He is personally responsible but anyone who voted against America becoming more energy independent is equally at blame.Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, and force America to pay these high oil prices today?
The ANWR controversy is a red herring devised by the Republicans to keep their irrational, emotionally driven right-wing tools who don't know how to research at the throats of Democrats. Report Abuse

The current production problems were not caused by Bill Clinton or the U.S. government and the delivery system companies CEOs are not to blame.

This is a problem of worldwide Wahhabi Muslim hatred for western civilization home grown in Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Laden's home country.

Saudi Arabia (where it costs fifty cents to produce a barrel of oil, home to the 9/11 terrorists) dominates OPEC and OPEC pricing arrangements and is the home of The Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabi Muslim extremism.

What the Saudi politico-religious thought couldn't do by planes flying into buildings they are doing by strangling the economic life out of western countries addicted to Saudi (OPEC) oil.

OPEC Oil will be $200.00 USD/bbl by the end of 2008 and $300.00 USD/bbl by the end of 2009.

World Population increased by 2.5 Billion over the 33 years from 1973 to 2006 while OPEC oil production has remained constant.

1973 Total OPEC Oil production 30.63 Mbbls per day

2006 Total OPEC Oil Production 30.66 Mbbls per day

Table 11.5 World Crude Oil Production, 1960-2006 (Million Barrels per Day),鈥?/a>

1973 Total World Population 4.108 Billion (May 22, 1973)

2006 Total World Population 6.618 Billion (May 22, 2008)

World POPClock, U. S. Bureau of Census,鈥?/a>

This is not a market driven is an artificial pricing problem created by our mortal enemies in the Wahhabi Muslim countries.
Contrary to reactionery and polemic arguments, drilling in ANWAR would only comprise 5% of American consumption of oil over a 15 - 25 year period, which is an estimate of how much oil reserves are contained there.

Drill in ANWAR or not drill in ANWAR, it is not much of an answer regarding usage, or pricing, of oil in the marketplace, my friend.
Yes he is/was like most that refuse to do the ';right thing'; regarding our America. Sadly to say, it is OUR POLITICIANS who IF they had listened way back in the l970's, we might not be in this predicament.

I do NOT see things changing with today's Politicians. Same old CRAP, as they ';field'; their investigations, ';plan'; on suing OPEC?????, and blame everyone besides themselves. It is time for ';we the people'; to WAKE UP and actually VOTE OUT these delirious finger pointing Politicians. It seems our Politicians make matters WORSE. They will make this dilemma worse by doing nothing, and trying to pass a ';cap and trade';?? These Politicians are just unbelievable, and in my opinion are of ZERO USE to what ails this Nation.
The oil concerns would not drop the price here, but rather keep it at world spot oil prices. You will not see a reduction in price, regardless how much we drill. That is because we have allowed our oil industry to be driven by profit.

Here is an idea who's time has come:

I believe the oil companies need to be nationalized and the profits go back to the people in the form of lower taxes.Same with our communications systems.

Where I live in China as a transplanted American, both are nationalized and a gallon of gas costs about a buck less, and my cell phone bill is obscenely little. About $15 a month and I use it extensively.

Plus, I pay zero sales tax, and tax on a home is very small to non existent, plus I have no income tax, despite that I make considerably more then the average person.

There is a lot of revenue to be made off of both which gives the people more disposable income. A win for the government, a win for the people, a win for our economy. It will just pizzzz off the fat cats, one that some love to support, yet they don't give a rats behind about their supporters.

What I fail to understand, people will fight tooth and nail to support the oil companies while continuing to pay high energy prices (at a profit that lines the pocket of the fat cat, who doesn't give one hoot about them.) and pay high taxes to boot. Kind of like, shooting themselves in the head just to prove they can. Makes no sense whatsoever.

Think about it.


Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


551 - 479 BC




ANWR doesnt have enough oil to effect a change in US prices, either way most all oil taken from Alaska is under contract to be sold to Japan

so it wouldnt help you and me one bit
It is easy to blame people for problems,however it still doesn't solve this energy crisis that we have,and will continue to have because there is no easy solution. If I was you I would enjoy the 4 dollar a gallon gas while it lasts,because I don't think it is going to get any better(even if we drill in ANWR.)
Clinton paid N.Korea 12 billion U.S. dollars not to build nukes.

my guess is,,,Clinton got the 12 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia

for NOT drilling in ANWAR.

this is how democrats operate.

now N.Korea has nukes,and we have NO oil.

When Democats left gas price was 99 cents, What were Republicans doing since last 8 years ?
The more poor and needy people the liberals can make, the more they can invoke envy. if they invoke enough envy, they can maybe nationalize the oil companies. That's they prize they really want.
Remember when Republicans cut out tax cuts for research for alternative fuels THIS YEAR? I wonder why they did that.

Maybe it's time to stop kowtowing to the oil companies for a change.
Clinton hasn't been president for almost 8 years, idiot. You must be talking about the results of a six year complete Republican rule.
Because it wouldn't make much difference. Riddle me THIS, Batman, why did Jeb Bush stop any possible drilling off the Florida coast?
Well I can not speak about why Bill Clinton did anything, I can only speak about President Bush's hard fought battle with the democrats on drilling in ANWAR and other US locations and they keep fighting my every attempt to bring cheaper oil to the United States citizens for whom he was duly elected to represent. The President is thoroughly disappointed with the democrats conduct of this 110th congress.
He vetoed it because of pressure from environmentalists and pressure from his party.

I heard a democrat say yesterday that they don't want to drill because it is not a permanent solution and will only drop oil prices by 50 cents. 50 cents!!! Thats a lot when you're paying 4 or 5 bucks. What an out of touch elitist.
Democrats take money from interested parties. Environmentalists give. Clinton gives back. Funny how that works.
democrats want to keep this country weak and dependent. Go back and see what Carter did as well to seal our current fate.

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