Friday, December 18, 2009

Obama said alternate energy is limitless; is he speaking about theories as nothing works as good as oil today?

he reads the words they give him to read

thats about it

i dont think he's big on theories

don't ask him to explain anything he says

thats when he starts stutteringObama said alternate energy is limitless; is he speaking about theories as nothing works as good as oil today?
Obama has to espouse the latest liberal dogma, otherwise the libs will turn on him as they did on Hillary. The majority of Americans believe that we should drill for oil here, in the latest Rassmussen poll, and Obama and the Dems are on the losing side of this debate. Comrade Obama is an elitist, commie twit who hates the free market and loves govt control of everything.Obama said alternate energy is limitless; is he speaking about theories as nothing works as good as oil today?
Well first you have to understand why there isn't any other fuel sources around. Big oil, car manufacturers and other interest groups have been in working together to keep oil the main fuel source for almost since engines have existed.

They invented carborators and engines back in the day that could get well over 100 miles to the gallon. they were never introduced into the marked because big oil bought out the patents/ ';forced'; the inventors to not produce them.

solar cells have been in efficient untill recently. back in the day they only produced 20%ish of what they absorbed. boeing invented one that can get up to 50% of the energy. plus i read in popular science they they now have solar cell paint in a spray paint can, kind of wierd but im sure its on the internet somewhere.

The name who originaly invent the Water powered car. yes it did exist. mysteriously died after several mysterious threats. thats on you tube too.

wave and wind powered generators are on the riase. but I'm not sure if your electricity bill will ever go down. they still have to pay for the technology(at least in california). Deregulation of power companys has absolutely killed californians.

and they have invented a over unity engine that produces something like 4 times the energy taken to run it. Im not sure about this one but its on you tube. look up the surge free energy car, over unity motors, perpetual motion.

yeah big oil has serious high jacked the direction of the 20th/ beginning of the 21th century. But soon people will get smart and free themselves from oil. Or **** will hit the fan and more wars will go on about absolutley outdated fuel sources....

There is some alternative energy. Where I live there are farms that erected wind mills instead of growing crops. The electric utility company buys back all excess power that is generated that the farms doesn't utilize.

We do need much more research on other sources of energy though.
Alternative energy is limitless. Widen your focus and do some serious research.

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