I am 10 days past due with my first child. I am on bedrest for blood pressure problems and can't walk alot. This baby really needs to come out today, please HELP!!!What can I do to start labor without castor oil? Also, today is full moon, does that matter?
Poor you! you must be miserable! You really shoulds speak to your dr or midwife...if they are concerned about pre eclampsia, they will want to induce you in hospital. Labour can cause your blood pressure to rise and that can be dangerous if it is high already. Women who have high bp or pre eclampsia are notorious for having speedy labours! I am surprised that you have not been scheduled for an induction, you may wish to call and speak to your caregiver about this.
Castor oil is a miserable way to start labour...it works by causing muscle spasms around the rectum, which in turn starts muscle spasm in the vaginal area, which can cause you to go into labour. It will give you the runs and possibly stomach cramps and vomiting. That is no way to begin labour!
A full moon tonight? Good, sounds like you need all the help you can get! Good luck...I am sending you birthing vibes :)What can I do to start labor without castor oil? Also, today is full moon, does that matter?
since you can't walk ... i've seen people say that having sex will start it.
get a back or foot massage there are pressure points in the back and feet that can relax a woman so much it can induce labor. there are massage therapists that will come to your house. if your blood pressure is high don't have sex it will only make your blood pressure rise and then you can have a stroke. if the Dr. don't want you to walk he sure don't want you to have sex.
walking does help. Sex helps. Don't do the castor oil thing. Your baby will come when it is ready to come. Don't hurry it.
This will only work if you are OVERDUE and there is no threat to your baby.
hold your urine. it will make you contract. Then when you get to the hospital they will make you pee; your cx will stop, but they will probably keep you since you are overdue. When your contractions stop, they might send you home too so dont get your hopes up too high.
or, call your doctor tell him you are having symptoms again for high blood pressure IE spotting in the eyes, headache and see what he says. This happened to me also. They did an emergency c section.
Have sex- semen does something to the cervix to ripen it.
I will probably get a lot of negative feedback for telling you this, but I know what its like to be pregnant and to want it over with!
The most you have is 4 more days anyway before they induce your labor, you might want to try and stick it out.
good luck
I don't think a full moon has any thing to do with it. I would suggest having sex. There is a hormone (prostaglandin) that is released that helps to start things if your body is ready
Take a ride in a bumpty truck. An 18 wheeler works great. It worked for me!
I did casotor with my soon nothing happen.Have heard that about full moon old wives tale but this might be also my Dad told me when the apple is ripe it will fall
Nipple stimulation might work to get things going. I am surprised though with high blood pressure your doctor hasn't induced you yet. And as for being induced I was induced twice and the contractions were no more painful then the ones I had with my first two where I went into labour naturally.
Although they say sex is a great way to get things started its probably the last thing you feel like. Try a really hot bath followed by a quick dip in a very cold one.
Sex helped me, I actually went into labor during sex.
There is nothing safe that you can do to start your labor. Your doctor should start the labor with medication if you are so far overdue. Most docs don't let moms go that long anymore. Let me warn you, however, I've had the IV drip that makes your labor start and it was 100 times more painful than going through the process normally. Don't mess with what God intends. If you take castor oil don't travel far from your bathroom, either. When it is time, it will happen. I'm sure I carried my babies (4) for 10 months.
Walking and sex are supposed to bring on labor in late pregnancy. I don't know if your bed rest will allow these activities. Don't know how accurate it is, but I think it is more accurate than eating and drinking something. The sex is supposed to release prostaglandins which may help ripen the cervix, so at least it has some scientific merit maybe.
I think the full moon thing is a myth.
I don't think castor oil is very pleasant. It will open the floodgates for your bowels as well.
You baby will come when he or she is ready. Maybe your doctor will induce after 2 weeks. It seems to be a common practice. Or maybe you could ask to be induced. I have issues with induction, though. It's more painful, etc.
1. Try black and blue cohosh- you can get it most health food stores. Black cohosh is used to regulate contractions, and blue cohosh is used to make them stronger.
2. Red Raspberry leaf tea helps to tone the uterus muscle.
3. Make a tea out of cumin seeds- it doesn't taste all that great, but seems to help get contractions started. Drink one cup every hour until you get in a good pattern.
4. Evening primrose oil worked well for me- take three orally, and then insert two in the vagina while laying down. They will melt inside of you. It has natural prostaglandins in it that help to ripen the cervix.
5. Try some nipple stimulation- it releases oxytocin into your blood stream. That will make your uterus start to contract.
6. Clary sage oil mixed with a carrier oil, like almond oil, and then mixed with any kind of lotion. Massage on to body.
7. Have your doctor strip your membranes. Also relases natural prostaglandins.
8. There is a pressure point in the webbing between your thumb and first finger. Try pinching and rubbing it in circles. There is another pressure point four fingers widths up on the inside of your ankle from the little bone that sticks out. Rub in a circular motion. You'll know when you find them, cuz they will be a little achey and sore when you rub.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact me. Hope this helped- Good luck with your little one!
Raspberry leaf tea. It's not nice to drink but it can start labour off. Also spicy food.
wait til the ospital gives you an inducement date. my daughter was 11 days late and the hospital gave me a date to be induced. i was that scared the day before i went into labour at 3 in the morning of the day i was supposed to be induced.
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