Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today. Why are oil prices spiking?

How is the assassination of a foreign opposition leader related to oil and gold prices rising? Also, how does it relate to the U.S stocks falling? In fact, how does it relate to anything economic at all? I don't quite understand it. Anyone care to explain?Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today. Why are oil prices spiking?
Well, the oil producer countries will do everything to increase the oil prices.Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today. Why are oil prices spiking?
I do not think the her assignation will have any effect on the price of oil, or effect the economy in the slightest bit. What does worry me is now there is an unstable country having possession of the atomic bomb. That the last thing the world needs as nearly half of all Pakistanis support the Taliban.
They will go back down after the funeral lol
This is so funny....does he has any statistical fact that half pakistani support Taliban.

I m sure he cant even tell where is pakistan located on the map and ppl like him just give their opinion without knowing the real facts.
I could try, but that would most likely a waste of my time.

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