Monday, April 26, 2010

WHOOP There it is!! Have you heard the debate in Congress today? Plenty oil in America not developed?

This administration continues to try to play on our intelligence. First of all There was a REPUBLICAN congress during George Bushes First term. So why are they now blaming the Democratic Party for not allowing Congress to override the will of the people via blackmail (DRILL VS HIGH PRICES) to allow drilling in Alaska and off shore drilling? THEY HAVE OIL LEASES, 20 YEARS SUPPLY!! OMG!WHOOP There it is!! Have you heard the debate in Congress today? Plenty oil in America not developed?
The thing that the Liberals are very carefully leaving out is the costs to recover the oil in those places. They are not drilling there because it would cost more to recover the oil than they could sell it for.

The oil companies got those leases in hopes that technological advances in the future will make it economical to recover the oil.WHOOP There it is!! Have you heard the debate in Congress today? Plenty oil in America not developed?
Four years ago oil was still at about 45 dollars a barrel and we didn't need to drill in these places. Only in the last three years, when the oil price went sky high, is the need there.

Damn, I love it when everything in the world that has happened in the last 20 years is Bushes fault. Well, consider this, if he is so powerful to drive oil prices up, drive Katrina into New Orleans, blow up the WTC instead of the terrorists on 911, then you liberal WPOS better run and hide cause he can call lightning down on your sorry, pathetic butts.

People have been saying for years that off of California, Florida and in Alaska we have lots of oil and gas. Its just the environmentalists, Clintons in the 90's, would not let anyone drill for it.

Semper Fi
Repub congress had low oil prices at the time ($20-$30/barrel) so there was not a problem back then. Now we have a problem and the Dem congress doesn't want to do anything about it.

The 97% of federal land/coast is NOT leased at this point. Any leases the oil companies have a practically impossible to do anything with because of the environmental legislation enacted upon the land. Oil companies have more hoops to jump through than a circus performer to get at that oil.
Personally, I do not give a flying f### what happened during the Republican Controlled congress, the Democrat controlled Congress, The Carter administration, the Calvin Coolidge administration, or the Abraham Lincoln administration.

All I want is for congress do DO SOMETHING about high energey prices, and I want them to do something NOW! And pointing fingers at each other does not acomplish a f####g thing!

Got it??!
Charlie Crist,R, governor of Florida was the one blocking oil drilling off Florida in the already leased places.....but now he is trying to get his buddy McCain elected, so he quickly has come out and said he is now for drilling, after years of blocking it

convenient.........but the real problem is speculators bidding up the price of oil, which is even what the oil executives said.
Since it is estimated to take 5 years to get the drilling in the U.S. to amount to much, I suggest they begin right now while they are working on alternative energy. At any time, our current sources of oil could cut us off. Its happened before. I think we should be ready for that. It would be a move in the right direction to avert war and help the economy. They should have addressed this 30 years ago because they knew this would happen eventually.
I think what Open your Eyes said has been the plan all along. Too bad its going to take years to get the oil in production. As soon as we do, the US economy is sure to bounce back.

It just so happens that oil skyrockets after the Democrats took control of Congress.

This is a serious problem. Both sides needs to quit pointing blame and get to work solving our energy problems.
Let's see, when the excutive order was carried out stopping offshore drilling, I paid 97 cents a gallon.

Now the dems want to drive the price higher, forcing us to kiss Saudi Arabia and Hugo Chavez's ***, just please the Sierra Club.
The oil companies sitting on 7 thousand oil leases they have for five years.
Just more bushit I am afraid.

People are becoming more aware.
Typical Republican strategy only now people aren't buying it anymore.
the gas price issue is just another GOP plan to get people behind offshore drilling so the GOP can make more money.
Yes you idiot but they are saving it. They are using up reserves elsewhere in the world first. Once the world has become drained of oil the US will go to the reserves in the ground and begin pumping. It's all about remaining number one. You don't think for one second that the US has remained the world's strongest superpower for over fifty years by pure chance do you moron?
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