Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Liberals, how would YOU fix our oil issues TODAY?

We don't have a replacement ready to take it's place TODAY. So what are your ideas with that in mind.Liberals, how would YOU fix our oil issues TODAY?
Lower the speed limit to 55.

Crack down on energy speculators and close the Enron Loophole.

Invest heavily into building more nuclear reactors (yes they are far safer and more energy efficient than their predecessors were back in the late 70's).Liberals, how would YOU fix our oil issues TODAY?
The issue is any alternative will also take time to perfect. Jackpi's answer does not say who pays for all of the cost to develop fueling stations, what do we do with the cars we have now, how much of a strain on the environment will it be to replace all cars with electric cars and what have you. Has anyone thought ahead about what kind of damage the spent batteries will have on our environment?

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Drill now and spend time researching and developing GOOD alternatives. Alternatives that have been well thought out and not just ideas that sound good politically or can be used to promote a political agenda.
Walk. Ride a bike. Live closer to work. Invest in alternate forms of transportation. I mean we made the transition from horse to automobile, innovation will help us do it again.

But by addressing your question to ';liberals'; you limit your receptivity already. If Einstein was a ';liberal' then you would qualify his viewpoint? Take the blinders off, dude. The GOP has your mind, they really think you are stupid because you can be so easily led to your own destruction. GOP deals with big money corporations, that know and get what they pay for. At least the Dems have to pretend to be for the people Republicans don't even have to pretend. Who do you think is making all these oil deals? Who do you think has the US trapped in combustible engine auto's

and dominated energy from its inception. GOP like minded people my friend. None of the ';conservatives'; that you root for, care what happens to you. They don't care how you handle gas prices. Their solution...make more money.
Great question, and you will get few if any answers from the leftist.

They all sit around and whine about how we need alternative fuels, but not a one can tell you how we get that.

I love listening to them talk about solar, wind and water power. But, not a one can seem to show me how to run a city or a car for that matter on solar, wind and water.

We need new nuke plants.

We need more refineries.

We need to drill in the Gulf and ANWR.

We need less feel good political policy.

If the likes of Obama get into office, his plan is to raise taxes on the working class to give to the lazy. That's his plan for high fuel prices. He will turn the middle class into the working poor!
Change to totally electric vehicles powered by Solar, Wind, Water, and Gravity! Require all truck stops to convert to electric recharge stations immediately! Use the Geo thermal heat, tidal forces, and wave currents to provide power generation! This should be done by the Feds, not the private sector! They haven't solved the nuclear waste problem as of yet! It stays hot for 10K years! And nuclear plants produce thermal pollution in rivers and lakes where they dump their heated waste water! Nuclear plants are definitely NOT the answer!
fix this:鈥?/a>

problem solved, until Next Generaion nucear plants are ready to be built to supply our power and fuel.
Regulate the speculators and the oil companies immediately and devote real money to alternative energy research.

It has been estimated that regulation of the commodites market could result in a 25 to 50 percent drop in the price of oil.
If anyone has ever played Utopia or Civilization or a game like that then they would know that you have to build things like refineries and power plants to support your population or you LOSE!

It is only common sense.
It can't be fixed today. It's Sunday. Nothing gets done on Sunday.
They do not have any ideas they just don't want to drill, for some reason they think they can burn Caribou steaks in their gas tank.!~!
Get rid of that Enron Loophole to wheel in the speculation.
Like No Way! Like OMG I'm going to complain about Liberals!
No one can fix oil issues today. We should consider several factors when discussing oil.

1. We are dealing with a finite resource that is near exhaustion. We can find and exploit some limited new oil discoveries, but these would only delay the inevitable by a fairly short time. Experts have stated that Anwar and the Dakotas will not significantly change our situation.

2. Oil (as well as other fossil fuels) is creating an environmental nightmare for us with Climate Change. For this reason, it is advisable for us to find alternatives as quickly as possible.

3. Frankly, I think the increase in the cost of oil is (although painful) a good thing. Price will impact behavior and cause us to conserve fuel.

4. We need alternatives. I believe that Nuclear is one very good alternative that should be exploited much more. We can also explore other alternatives like wind and solar. I think we should also aggressively pursue development of fuel alternatives as a national priority like the Apollo program.

I believe that we will experience pain no matter what we do. Temporary solutions that don't really solve the problem will only delay the inevitable and make the final day of reckoning that much more painful. We have to confront the problem now.

By the way, most on this board are probably too young to recall, but our nation has been in this position before...there was an energy crisis about 40 years ago. We didn't act then to solve the problem so being in the same position today is a result of our inaction. Alaska didn't provide a permanent solution then, and it won't solve the problem now.

I've read that cars are the major polluter and consumer of oil. All electric cars are about 2 years out (both Honda %26amp; GM). My car has 172,000 miles and I'm timing a new car for about 3 to 4 years. As an aside, I think the average life span of cars is about 6 years or so. With this in mind, once an economical reliable alternative presents itself, I think that normal obsolescence will phase out the old vehicles.

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