Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anyone heard today that the Airlines are all but going bankrupt? And the Dems do not support drilling for oil?

We are only about 20 years behind!

We have to drill..... lets find petitions and overturn any opposition,! !Anyone heard today that the Airlines are all but going bankrupt? And the Dems do not support drilling for oil?
The Dems are a disaster. Wait and see they will come around and say that drilling is OK. Bush changed his point of view and so did McCain. If we don't start now we will be under the thumb of Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries with oil for many years. It will break our back and this is what the Muslims want. We must become oil independent.

we must start drilling now and the heck with Congress' meetings and votes and locked up rooms where all they do is smoke and drink. If Congress doesn't Move on this one there will be a revolt in America and the Arabs will love it.Anyone heard today that the Airlines are all but going bankrupt? And the Dems do not support drilling for oil?
You're a dumb ***** Report Abuse

John McCain would probably be for drilling, but he is anti free market, just like the rest of them. Also, he just hopped on the ';Green'; bandwagon in a feeble attempt to get votes.

I think the market should be allowed to function without intervention from the government. If companies want to drill we shouldn't disallow it, unless it's invanding someone else's property. Pollution could be considered a property rights violation, so allow the market to develop cleaner energy. The problem is government intervnetion. Big government gives subsidies to corporations that pollute and pollute. The federal government pollutes the Earth drastically. Don't infringe upon the market and tell it what to do, as this only worsens a problem.
What does the failure of the airline executives have to do with the Democrats? Whatever happened to accountability in this country? No wonder things are so bad in this country. Upper level managers are playing the blame game. Thinking that more drilling for oil will solve our problems is about fifty years behind. If the oil companies want to drill they can invest in the leases they already have. They are only 40% developed right now. They don't need any more handouts. We are about twenty years behind in developing alternatives and conserving our use of dwindling and foreign oil supplies.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration states that it will take over 20 years for offshore drilling to have an effect on gas prices. The amount of oil we would receive from offshore drilling is 3% tops. So it will not take away our dependence from foreign oil, and the very earliest off shore drilling MIGHT have an effect is 2030. Airlines, truckers, and everyday drivers will see no relief at the pumps anytime soon. And even that ';relief'; in 2030 isn't guaranteed.

The only thing it will do is increase the likelihood of oil spills and depress Florida's tourism industry.
For the sake of debating, let us say Congress allows drilling. Do you realize that this would do absolutely nothing to relieve the pressure at the pump for at least three years. We are not the only nation that uses oil rigs. Do you know that they take a long time to construct, then ship out to the location, then set up. How is this going to solve the ridiculous oil prices, and the outrageous rate at which gas prices keep climbing. $4.59 for the CHEAP gas over here in San Jose.

We need to focus on new forms of energy, period. Have we become a nation of brain dead citizens? With all of what is going on with the economy, the war in Iraq, gas and oil prices, we still don't see that it is time to stop relying on oil to the level that we do? Unfortunately, this nation is reactive, not proactive in its approach to meeting the needs of future Americans.


I am concerned about the airlines though. My biggest concern is that the greed of the big wigs will start to cut into proper maintenance, etc, that ensure the safety of the plane.

When it comes to money, I don't put one ounce of trust in any human. Greed is powerful.
The whole thing about energy is STUPID and based solely on voting base.

Here is what needs to be done. Release the federal ban on off shore drilling and Slant drill (like Kuwait did to Iraq) to get to the deposit under ANWR. All oil production MUST be maintained in the USA. This means having more refineries as well. Even Obama has stated this will fruit in about 5 years

This solution will work for about 20 years.....which is just enough time necessary to switch infrastructure around to obtain energy independance from black gold.

Right now we got too many options and not enough money to provide all of them the infrastructure needed.

Hybrids? Waste of money since they only limit the amount of oil needed.

Ethanol? Burns too quick and we just don't have enough crop land to support US driving habits.

Hydrogen? Maybe feasible but as of right now, too expensive creating hydrogen.

Electric? Feasible now. Auto makers are improving them in horsepower and longer battery life. Can be fueled with any type of alternative energy source like solar wind or nuclear.

Now as far as powergrid alternatives, we can do them all. Nuclear has made HUGE advancements since the late 70's. It's time to stop living in the past and revisit this energy source.

Solar....I'm not a big fan of solar simple because it takes too much area currently. I think it's a perfect addition and uses deadspace like roof tops but not effective and certainly not worth the pricetag of initial installation.

Wind...That will be a good one and you can utilize the deadspace inbetweens of the interstate system to put them in and not need much land.

Geothermal...DO NOT USE! Are you freaking insane! Tapping the Earth's inner core heat?! Do you know what happens if it cools? Look at Mars!

Water kinetics....Since most cities are near rivers or oceans....tap it.
Why do you assume that drilling for oil will bring the price to the consumer down? It most assuredly will not. No, today's conditions demand a new way of looking at things. Perhaps the era of jet travel is coming to a close. BTW, you are of course aware that the airlines consume more fuel than all of the vehicles on our nation's highways combined, right? So surely you must know that our military consumes more than all of the domestic airline operations in the U. S. Who is using too much? Where is the demand?
LOL @ the answer saying it doesn't hurt anything. I am sure the Exxon Valdez incident was just so environmentally amazing, that it will appear on National Geographic. You are right that we are behind though. We should have started researching alternate renewable fuel sources a long time ago, but no one wanted that either. I am not sure about you, but I would love to stick it to OPEC. Enough is enough with those bastards.
The problem is drilling for oil won't lower the price of gas. It will take at least 5-10 year and the Chineese are adding more cars to the roads everyday. We need to use alternative fuels. They already have them. The Oil companies just don't want to lose thier hold. That's why we need to get the special interest groups out of Washington they are controlling the American people with rumors and sound bites. Let's focus on the issues.We had this problem for decades, we just keep kicking the can down the road.
The airlines are smarter than Bush supporters:

American Airlines praised Congress for focusing on oil-market speculation and the need to lower skyrocketing oil prices, which are having an adverse impact on the airline industry.

The commercial airline applauded Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who chaired a hearing to examine oil market speculation.

The hearing, held jointly by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, probed the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's role in regulating the market.

The senators also introduced the Transparency and Accountability in Oil Markets Act (S. 3130), which would provide resources to the Commodities Future Trading Commission to oversee oil futures trading.

Durbin's legislation would aid transparency by requiring all U.S. traders on oil futures markets to report transactions in a detailed manner to the CFTC. The bill also directs the CFTC to investigate the impact of these trades on the price of oil.

Fort Worth-based American Airlines, a subsidiary of AMR Corp. (NYSE: AMR), is the world's largest airline.

Pffffft hysterics. Remember the gas crisis of the 70's? There wasn't even gas available to pay 4 bucks a gallon for. Same thing happened back then when there were all the ';experts'; who said we would be out of oil by 2000. Well guess what.... we still have oil. Oil production will peak in 40-50 years. It will peak. That means we haven't peaked yet. Get it?

Besides we can't pump enough oil to offset the cost that dramatically anyway. It's not as simple as traditional supply and demand models suggest. A single barrel of crude has seven different prices. The ones we hear about is not what the oil companies pay for it. They pump it out... so the higher the price goes, the more they pay themselves, hence the record profits.
You guys are morons. Look it up, they drill quite a bit in the Gulf. They drill like crazy in Alaska. If they opened up the refuge and jammed every rig possible into the Gulf, it would bring down the price of gas by a few cents a gallon. And at what cost? Massive environmental risk from hurricanes comes to mind.
And McCain said today he wants 45 new nuclear reactors. So you think that is the answer. Just think for a minute all the snags and glitches and mistakes that the government has made just trying to get out those economic stimulus checks. Now think these people want 45 nuclear reactors.......ummm Maybe our parents were right when they gave us a goldfish first and if we could prove we were responsible with the goldfish we might get a puppy....
Every country in the world that has oil in the ground is drilling but us. Why don't the libs scream at those countries for ruining the environment? Because it isn't about the oil, it's about telling people what they can and cannot have. It is called control.
Not only the Airlines, but the truckers, OMG, they are really hurting. They cannot afford to pay those outrageous diesel prices. Its like they have no voice.

We have to drill now....We cannot wait even one more year.
We must drill off's not hurting anyone - it's 60 miles off the coast. And ten years to realize the oil is not that long. I agree with you,
You've changed my perception of blondes.
Wao I admir your courage and spirt!

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