Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit her today?

This use to be my step day but they got a divorce and now my mom and dad are married again and my dad was at work when her ex husband came by to visit so why did he check the oil and water in her car, she did not ask him to check it. 20 answers please.Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit her today?
uh...why don't you ask him?Why did my moms ex husband check the oil and water in her car when he came to visit her today?
He was thinking with his dipstick!
I don't know! Why don't you ask your mom?
he was cutting the brake cables. he's trying to take out ur mom so he doesn't have to pay alimony. i tried the same ****.
As an excuse to cut her brake lines?
he's trying to see if she was out and about
Perhaps she called him up and asked him to come over and check...?

Ask him or your mum if you really wanna know.

and why 20 answers?
Why on earth would we know this?

Maybe he was just being nice.
she was going to chek if every thing is o.k
I don't know but...why do you ask this question every few months?
why do you want 20 answers? why not 21?
I guess you should ask him, he knows the answer better than anyone.

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