Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why did my step dad check the oil and water in my moms car for her today?

This is her car and she pays and drives it and my real dad used to check the oil and water in this same car she has and now my step dad checked the oil and water in her car and he checks it once a month just like my dad did and so why?Why did my step dad check the oil and water in my moms car for her today?
So, your dad checks your mom's car, and your step-mom's car, and your step-dad check's your mom's car, but your step-dad doesn't check your step-mom's car? What a lazy goof!Why did my step dad check the oil and water in my moms car for her today?
Why are you asking a question like that? You should be happy that a man loves your Mom enough to care about her safety. Alot of men don't give a s***. This is a very good thing. Stop thinking the worse.
because he doesn't want your mom's car to blow up. this is really about car care and not about personal problems
why not.... you sure are obsessed about your mom's car to ask the same thing over and over and over again!!!

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