Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oil breaks $120 a barrel today, i thought Nancy Pelosi was gonna make gas prices go down?

Maybe she found out theres nothing she can do to lower them?Oil breaks $120 a barrel today, i thought Nancy Pelosi was gonna make gas prices go down?
I love how everything is Bush's fault. If the president had so much power, I don't really think I would want anyone running the country.

The answer to your question is yes, there isn't a damn thing Nancy Pelosi can do about it. There isn't a damn thing Bush can do about it. Simple supply and demand, although I suspect most liberals use Soviet economic text books for their classes...Oil breaks $120 a barrel today, i thought Nancy Pelosi was gonna make gas prices go down?
The operative word in this question is ';i thought';. I'd like to see exactly where Nancy Pelosi stated that she'd make gas prices go down. I don't ever recall her saying that. Could you please site a source.

Note-You better watch out. If a ';question'; was asked in this form by a liberal it would be reported and you would get a violation. Technically this is not a question and violates the tos. Conservatives love to find technicalities to have questions removed that are contrary to their point of view. Since your rant is conservative in nature you probably won't get reported.
It's only been about 2 years since she said that.

Give her more time.

Remember, 2 years ago she also promised to end the war and improve the economy so her plate's pretty full.

Any day now you should see these things happen.

EDIT: See, the apologists are giving Economics lessons. Pelosi SAID she would lower the prices. The question isn't whether or not she CAN, it was the MAIN PLATFORM of her 2006 campaign.
No one single person can change the buying and selling of a internationally traded commodity like oil. congress could pass a resolution like Mexico did but they wont (the price of gas is $2 less a gallon in Mexico due to a price fix) the president or Nancy has nothing to do with it, Investors drive up the price.
We should all write her and others and hold them accountable for what they say and write; show them we are paying attention and maybe they would be more careful when they speak. I get tired of their rhetoric. I would like some plain common sense speak and solutions to some real problems not rearranging chairs on the Titanic while we are sinking with inflation, gas,ILLEGAL immigration, jobs, the War, NAFTA, OH WAIT I think Ron Paul would take care of that. Bye..
I wish she could, but we are at the mercy of the oil barons in the Mideast and here at home. Once they have tasted profits like now, it will be hard, if not impossible, to get them to stop raising prices. It isn't Nancy Pelosi's fault, or even Congress' fault. Bush probably could influence them, but he won't!
Yeah, but you won't hear her yelling that from the steps of Congress will you?

I can't help you on the gas prices, I'm basically worthless to you. Be sure to vote for me again!

Of course she can't do anything about it, but it didn't stop her from telling us she could, did it?
It takes more than her. Bush is responsible. He needs to make peace with Venezuela, pressure OPEC to lower prices, impose controls, release surplus oil. He, won't though, because he's making a killing, Halliburton Cheney too
That is good.

TWO years ago the unemployment rate was 4.1

The GDP was 2.8

The gas prices were 2.65 cents a gallon.

And the democrats told us how bad we had it!

Thanks Democrats!
There is a lot they could do to lower the price (of GASOLINE) but all of them would result in more deficit... And who wants that? Aren't we more concerned in the country with making sure the government has enough money to operate? :)
Anyone who thinks the President, Congress or any Politician can do anything about the oil prices is a fool. They,both the Republicans and Democrats, caused this mess. Peace
Lowering the gas price is not their objective, tighting the regulation on the gas companies is.
Gas is going to $6.00 and oil companies are making record profits. What do our fearless leaders com up with? A gas tax holiday? Well happy holiday everyone!
It is out of their hands unless they nationalize the oil companies.
All Nancy Pelosi is going to do is blow a lot of hot air up American's, and pass gas from all the free dinners she's getting.
Nancy Pelosi can't control the market, seems like only the panic inflicting speculators can..
Yea right.............I have some lovely lake front property I can sell you that is in Arizona and I will sell it to you at a real good price! Are you buying??
Nancy smokes the big cigar.
Apparently not.

She reminds me of a visit to Disneyworld when I saw Dopey.
...or Harry Reid sat on her magic wand...on purpose...repeatedly
hey, leave her alone, shes doing her part.....

by riding her broom to work everyday.....

There is only one thing congress can do about it, sadly they don't have the balls to impeach the bastard.
i dont listen to that lesbean from California and you shouldent neither!
ya think ?!?

of course she cant bring down gas prices

why did you think that ???????
She lied. and just for votes! Grrrr...

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